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Presentation on theme: "UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI CARTA PROGRAM REPORT by"— Presentation transcript:

Murungaru Kimani UoN, Focal Person A presentation made at the 6th PAF meeting, 21-22, November 2015, School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

2 Outline UoN CARTA Committee CARTA Activities at UoN
CARTA Fellows at UoN Financial Report Challenges Way Foward

3 UoN CARTA committee Director, Population Studies and Research Institute (PSRI)- CARTA UoN Focal Person Director, School of Public Health-Co-Focal Person Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies Director School of Economics-Recommended Dean, Faculty of Arts ( College of Humanities & Social Sciences) Dean, School of Medicine Staff from School of Public Health Dr. Anne Khasakhala, PSRI Dr. Andrew Mutuku, PSRI University Librarian CHSS Librarian Administrator Rep. DVC (RPE)-Recommended

4 UoN CARTA committee Recruitment of PhD fellows
Assist in publicising activities Recruitment of PhD fellows Attending CARTA committee meetings Review of the PhD fellowhip applications Review of the PhD fellowhip applications from partner institutions Preparation of the M&E report

5 CARTA committee Selection of the administrators and faculty for annual Carta training workshops Infrastructure development decisions From 2013, hold an annual meeting with all the Fellows Some members also participate as facilitators in Carta training workshops ( Eg. Mr Hudson Liyai, Prof Mcligeyo and Prof Ikamari)

6 Changes within UON Vice-Chancellor and DVC (Administration and Finance) 2015 Above changes not expected to affect CARTA activities at UoN

7 Adoption of CARTA Products/Processes
Intends to create research, mentorship and PhD supervison teams Aquisition of anti-plagiarism software-TURNITIN

8 CARTA Activities at UoN
UoN CARTA Committee retreat in May 2015 Hosting of the 6th faculty and Administrators workshop in July 2015 UoN CARTA Committee meeting to rank applicants for the 2016 Fellows in September 2015 Fellow particiapted in the retreat and made presentations on their experiences as CARTA fellows

9 CARTA Activities at UON
Trained one librarian on TURNTININ Rolling out the TURNITIN anti-plagiarism software UoN in the proces of procuring its software

10 CARTA Fellows at UoN 11 Fellows currently pursuing PhD at UoN under CARTA in different cohorts Cohort 1- 3 students Rose Opiyo-UoN, School of Public Health-Graduated Peter Mwamba-UoN, School of Medicine-Writing Teresa Mwenda Kinyari-UoN, School of Medicine-Discontinued Cohort 2-3 students 4. John Njenga Njuguna-UoN, PSRI-Analysing prelimary data of first wave 5. Gloria Momanyi-UoN, School of Medicine-Discontinued Evaline Mucharo-Dar-esalaam –Current status not known Cohort 3-3 students Anne Khisa-UoN, School of Nursing-Collecting data and analysing Angeline Kipchirchir-UoN, School of Nursing- Current status not known Judith-Mangeni-Moi, School of Public Health-Completed data collection

11 CARTA Fellows at UoN Cohort 4-2 students expected Cohort 5-3
Winnie Mutai-UON Nilian Mukuagu-UON Cohort 5-3 12. Celine Onyambu-On going 13. Esther Karumi-On going Jeanette Dawa-On going Cohort 6-6 applicants Fellows have participated in the various JAS Data collection, processing, analysis and writing stages towards their PhD dissertations One graduate in 2015

12 Financial report Received balance of infrastructure support totalling about Kshs. 800,000 Not finalized accounting for it

13 Challenges Availability of CARTA committee members for participation in CARTA activities Heavy work loads for some fellows Restrictions by age and other requirements by CARTA for admission in the CARTA programme Limited funding for CARTA Committee UoN intended to prepare a work-plan of activities as recommended in the retreat but the work-plan must have resources to implement which initially CARTA should provide

14 What CARTA can do to ensure Sustainability
Focus should change from fellows to the Faculty and mentoring the faculty taking them thorough JAS type training with their PhD students to enable them progressively take over Current model is inappropriate Greater collaboration with Northern partners with partnering Southern universities

15 Way Forward Enhancement of the research capacity of the faculty of participating departments at UoN Increased financial support to the CARTA committees in the partnering universities Greater collaboration with Northern partners with partnering Southern universities


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