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Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013

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1 Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013
8 January 2014 Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013 Presenter: Professor Rosemary Kennedy Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013

2 Peer Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013
To reflect on the first AQS exercise using a peer review process To test that AQS met its objectives as a vehicle for public information To identify shared learning, best practice and areas for improvement To contribute to the continuous improvement of healthcare in Wales To inform Welsh Government in time for 2013/2014 AQS round Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013

3 Peer Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013 Some Key Areas Identified
Achieving the right balance between public and technical requirements in a single document Earlier engagement with patient and public stakeholders and staff Length, presentation style and public appeal Complexity of large organisations in terms of services covered Duplication/overlap with other annual reports Clearer guidelines and defined purpose from WG Accessibility and format for greatest impact Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013

4 Peer Review: What You Said…
Review of Annual Quality Statements 2012/2013

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