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Presented by: Barb Shafer & Jill Brown

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1 Presented by: Barb Shafer & Jill Brown
Purchasing Cards Presented by: Barb Shafer & Jill Brown

2 Purchasing Cards

3 PCARD Application Card Holders Name (Must Match Banner)
address for notifications Identification number ( ) Notifications (Card Holder/Managers) Default Index ( Can be changed when clearing charges in Banner) Office Phone Number – Linked to the specific card Origin # - If you don’t have this leave it blank we can fill in Department Name Account Manager and signature Backup Manager and Signature Department Head and Signature ( if the department head is the applicant also have the supervisor of the DH initial) Applicants Signature Spending Limits

4 Clearing Charges in Banner
Clear all charges in Banner consistently No Charges should feed to Banner under the default account 62886 Use accurate account codes Add consistent, accurate descriptions Example: “Toner/Stapler/Paper” Step by Step Instructions

5 How to Organize your Records
CC Statement (Signed by Fund Controller/Department Head) All Corresponding receipts to each CC statement attached to the back of that statement Tape small CC receipts to a piece of recycled or blank page so it doesn’t get lost. Send all documents to Business Services for review and Document imaging. **CC statements/reports will now be scanned into Banner starting FY19 and filed for retention in Business Services. NEW ** Starting FY19 all departments will be given two weeks from the close of the previous month to send all Pcard documents to Business Services. Business Services will be responsible for scanning and filing for the retention period.

6 What needs to be included with the Pcard Statements??
IT Purchasing Approvals Travel forms Hospitality Approval forms Required for any food purchase Missing Receipt Forms (Missing receipt forms are ONLY allowed with Pcard reports and even then we Cannot over use them) *** Excessive use of the Missing Receipt form may revoke the privilege of the use of the University PCard.

7 The Hospitality form is required before an event takes place.
When filling out the form be as specific as possible. Use the same index on the form that will pay for the event expenses. if the index is different this will cause AP to request another HF from you. More time and paperwork for both offices. Be specific in the function description We need to know why and how this event is related to the Expense code chosen on the top of the form. i.e – how is your event educational and are the activities directly related to the objectives of the campus 62824 – Again how are the activities directly related to the objectives of the campus. 62826 – Recruiting, remember that only one employee and the guest are allowable expense. Name(s) of those in attendance! Signatures - have two different signatures for the Department Head and Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor (if over $50)

8 Don’t Forget What is Not Allowed
Travel: Meals (This is part of the travel per diem. ) Tips, gratuities, porter services while traveling Entertainment Alcohol or any substance, material or service which violates policy, law or regulations pertaining to MSU-Billings. Consulting and/or personal services Personal expenses (briefcase, coffee, aspirin, Kleenex, dry cleaning, etc.) Cash Advances Plants, flowers, silk plants for office (Must take up a collection from your office staff to pay for these). Prescription drugs/controlled substances Telephones, cell phones, and related equipment Gasoline Payments to other MSU Departments (Bookstore/Sodexo) Payments for Timeshares (i.e. Lodging) Capital equipment or equipment with trade in. No computer equipment, software, or related items (You may use the purchasing card for computer supplies (discs, labels, peripherals and etc.) Any purchase that is prohibited by current MSU-Billings purchasing policies and procedures, *** Non-Allowable Purchases are not limited to this list ***

9 PCard Process Updates All Pcard Documents will be submitted to Business Services starting FY19 Document Imaging Retention Period NEW ** Starting FY19 all departments will be given two weeks from the close of the previous month to send all Pcard documents to Business Services. Business Services will be responsible for scanning and filing for the retention period.

10 Questions Barb Shafer, Director 657-1710
Jill Brown, AP Supervisor

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