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Waterfowl ID.

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Presentation on theme: "Waterfowl ID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waterfowl ID


3 Mallard Duck

4 Gadwall duck

5 Northern shoveler

6 American wigeon

7 Green-winged teal

8 Cinnamon teal

9 Blue-winged teal

10 Canvasback

11 Northern pintail

12 Blue-winged teal Northern shoveler Cinnamon teal

13 (forming the Speculum)
Duck Wing Parts Middle Coverts Lesser Coverts Greater Coverts Remicle – The pin Primary Coverts Scapulars Greater Tertial Coverts Secondaries (forming the Speculum) Tertials Primaries

14 Ring-necked duck

15 Redhead

16 Lesser scaup

17 Black-bellied whistling duck

18 Common golden-eye

19 Ruddy duck

20 Wood duck

21 Hooded merganser

22 Canada goose

23 Snow goose

24 Great white-fronted goose

25 American coot

26 Where at in Texas? Mallard: Throughout Gadwall: Throughout
Northern Shoveler: Throughout Black-bellied: South & Central Great-white Goose: East Snow Goose: Throughout Wood Duck: East Green-winged Teal: Throughout Northern Pintail: Throughout Blue-winged Teal: South Cinnamon Teal: West, South American Wigeon: Throughout Canvasback: Throughout Redhead: Throughout Ring-necked duck: Throughout Lesser Scaup: Throughout Common Goldeneye: East, West Hooded Merganser: East Ruddy Duck: Throughout


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