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Loops ISYS 350.

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Presentation on theme: "Loops ISYS 350."— Presentation transcript:

1 Loops ISYS 350

2 Example Future Value Table Present Value $10,000 Rate 5%
Year Future Value 5 $12,762.82 10 $16,288.95 15 $20,789.28 20 $26,532.98 25 $33,863.55 30 $43,219.42

3 Using dataGridView

4 Straight Line Depreciation Table

5 Two Types of Loops while loop for loop

6 The while Loop The while loop causes a statement or set of statements to repeat as long as a Boolean expression is true The simple logic is: While a Boolean expression is true, do some task A while loop has two parts: A Boolean expression that is tested for a true or false value A statement or set of statements that is repeated a long as the Boolean expression is true Boolean Expression Statement(s) True False

7 Structure of a while Loop
In C#, the generic format of a while loop is: while (BooleanExpression) { Statements; } The first line is called the while clause Statements inside the curly braces are the body of the loop When a while loop executes, the Boolean expression is tested. If true, the statements are executed Each time the loop executes its statement or statements, we say the loop is iterating, or performing an iteration

8 Example: An Infinite Loop
while (1 > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Looping"); }

9 Basic loop control 1. Use a counter
2. Keep loping until reaching a condition

10 Using a Counter to Control the Loop
int counter = 1; while (counter<=5) { MessageBox.Show(counter.ToString()); ++counter; //counter++; } int counter = 0; while (counter<5) { MessageBox.Show(counter.ToString()); ++counter; //counter++; }

11 Accumulator Find the sum of all numbers between 1 and N.
int N, Sum, Counter = 1; N = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); Sum = 0; while (Counter <= N) { Sum += Counter; ++Counter; } MessageBox.Show(Sum.ToString());

12 While Loop Example N Factorial, N!
int N, NFact, Counter = 1; N = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); NFact = 1; while (Counter <= N) { NFact *= Counter; ++Counter; } MessageBox.Show(NFact.ToString());

13 Enter present value and rate in textboxes, then display future values for years from 5 to 40 with a step of 5 in a ListBox double pv, rate, year, fv; pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); year = 5; listBox1.Items.Clear(); while (year <= 40) { fv = pv * Math.Pow(1 + rate, year); listBox1.Items.Add("Year = " + year.ToString() + " Future valuet is: " + fv.ToString("c")); year += 5; }

14 Enter present value and rate in textboxes, then display future values with user specified starting year, ending year and step value in a ListBox

15 Code Example double pv, rate, year, startYr, endYr,stepValue,fv;
pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); startYr = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); endYr = double.Parse(textBox4.Text); stepValue = double.Parse(textBox5.Text); year = startYr; while (year <= endYr) { fv = pv * Math.Pow(1 + rate, year); listBox1.Items.Add("Year = " + year.ToString() + " Future valuet is: " + fv.ToString("c")); year += stepValue; }

16 Enter pv and year in textboxes, then display fv for rates from 5% to 10% with a step of 0.5% in a ListBox double pv, rate, year, fv; pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); year = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); rate = 0.05; while (rate <= .1) { fv = pv * Math.Pow(1 + rate, year); listBox1.Items.Add("Rate = " + rate.ToString("p") + " Future valuet is: " + fv.ToString("c")); rate += .005; } Note: A double may not exactly equal to .1 while (rate < .105)

17 The for Loop The for loop is specially designed for situations requiring a counter variable to control the number of times that a loop iterates You must specify three actions: Initialization: a one-time expression that defines the initial value of the counter Test: A Boolean expression to be tested. If true, the loop iterates. Update: increase or decrease the value of the counter A generic form is: for (initializationExpress; testExpression; updateExpression) { } The for loop is a pretest loop

18 Sample Code int count; for (count = 1; count <= 5; count++) { MessageBox.Show(“Hello”); } The initialization expression assign 1 to the count variable The expression count <=5 is tested. If true, continue to display the message. The update expression add 1 to the count variable Start the loop over // declare count variable in initialization expression for (int count = 1; count <= 5; count++) { MessageBox.Show(“Hello”); }

19 Other Forms of Update Expression
In the update expression, the counter variable is typically incremented by 1. But, this is not a requirement. //increment by 10 for (int count = 0; count <=100; count += 10) { MessageBox.Show(count.ToString()); } You can decrement the counter variable to make it count backward //counting backward for (int count = 10; count >=0; count--)

20 Accumulator Find the sum of all numbers between 1 and N.
int N, Sum, Counter; N = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); Sum = 0; for (Counter = 1; Counter <= N;Counter++ ) { Sum += Counter; } MessageBox.Show(Sum.ToString());

21 Enter present value and rate in textboxes, then display future values for years from 5 to 40 with a step of 5 in a ListBox double pv, rate, year, fv; pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); for (year=5;year<=40;year+=5) { fv = pv * Math.Pow(1 + rate, year); listBox1.Items.Add("Year = " + year.ToString() + " Future valuet is: " + fv.ToString("c")); }

22 Increment smaller than 1: Enter Loan and Term in textboxes, then display monthly pay for rates from 3% to 10% with a step of .5% in a ListBox double pv, rate, year, fv; pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); year = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); for (rate=.03;rate<=.1;rate+=0.005) { fv = pv * Math.Pow(1 + rate, year); listBox1.Items.Add("Rate = " + rate.ToString("p") + " Future valuet is: " + fv.ToString("c")); } Note: for (rate = .03; rate < .105; rate += .005)

23 Find the Sum of All Even Numbers between 1 and N
int N, Sum, Counter; N = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); Sum = 0; for (Counter = 1; Counter<=N;Counter++ ) { if (Counter % 2 ==0) Sum += Counter; } MessageBox.Show(Sum.ToString());

24 The loop control variable may be declared before the loop or within the for statement
Int counter; for (counter = 0; counter <=5; counter++) { MessageBox.Show(counter.ToString()); } What is the value of counter after the loop? Or for (int counter= 0; counter <=5; counter++)

25 Search a String Useful property and method:
Length: number of characters in a string Substring(starting index, number of character)

26 Code Example string myString = textBox1.Text, searchChar = textBox2.Text; int index=0, counter = 0; Boolean found = false; while (index<myString.Length) // while (index<=myString.Length-1) { if (myString.Substring(index,1)==searchChar) ++counter; found = true; } ++index; if (found) { textBox3.Text= "Found " + counter.ToString(); } else { textBox3.Text = "Not found!"; }

27 Using a Flag Boolean continueFlag = true; while (continueFlag) {
SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continuue? ", "Continue?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) continueFlag = false; }

28 Looping until reaching a condition
int count = 0; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool hungry = true; while (hungry) ++count; if(MessageBox.Show("Still hungry","How many",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)==DialogResult.No) { hungry = false; } } MessageBox.Show("You eat " + count.ToString() + " burgers!");

29 Looping until reaching a condition Example: Years to Reach Targeted Future Value Future Value=Present Value*(1+Rate)Year

30 Note: When year=0, future value=present value
double PresentValue, Rate, Target, YearToTarget, futureValue; PresentValue = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); Rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); Target = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); futureValue = PresentValue; YearToTarget = 0; while (futureValue < Target) { YearToTarget = YearToTarget + 1; futureValue = PresentValue * Math.Pow(1 + Rate, YearToTarget); } textBox4.Text = YearToTarget.ToString();

31 Method 2: Using a flag double PresentValue, Rate, Target, YearToTarget, futureValue; Boolean continueFlag = true; PresentValue = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); Rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); Target = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); futureValue = PresentValue; YearToTarget = 0; while (continueFlag) { if (futureValue < Target) YearToTarget = YearToTarget + 1; futureValue = PresentValue * Math.Pow(1 + Rate, YearToTarget); } else continueFlag=false; textBox4.Text = YearToTarget.ToString();

32 Exiting a loop using the break statement
In some cases it is necessary to end a loop before the test condition would end it Use the break statement: break;

33 Example while (true) { MessageBox.Show("Looping");
if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to continue?", "Loop demo", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) MessageBox.Show("Leaving loop"); break; }

34 Method 3: Using Break double PresentValue, Rate, Target, YearToTarget, futureValue; Boolean continueFlag = true; PresentValue = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); Rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); Target = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); futureValue = PresentValue; YearToTarget = 0; while (continueFlag) { if (futureValue < Target) YearToTarget = YearToTarget + 1; futureValue = PresentValue * Math.Pow(1 + Rate, YearToTarget); } else break; textBox4.Text = YearToTarget.ToString();

35 Method 4: using for loop double PresentValue, Rate, Target, YearToTarget, futureValue; PresentValue = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); Rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); Target = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); for (YearToTarget = 0; true; YearToTarget++) { futureValue = PresentValue * Math.Pow(1 + Rate, YearToTarget); if (futureValue >= Target) break; } textBox4.Text = YearToTarget.ToString(); Note: for (YearToTarget = 0; true; YearToTarget++)

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