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Smart Grid Activity Report 2010
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Smart Grid Activity Report 2010 Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA, 95054 Date: 2010-October-20 Abstract: Discussion NIST PAP#2 Report r6 Discussion of other industry & standards activities Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Agenda Review of NIST PAP#2 Status and submission plans for:
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Agenda Review of NIST PAP#2 Status and submission plans for: Sections 1-5 Section 6 (Simulations or field test results) Any comments to consider submitting to UK Smart Metering Consultation? Other topics? Last call prior to NIST & UK deadline on Wed October 27 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
re-confirmed Oct 12 NIST Timeline October 2010 Draft 0.5 July 28, 2010
doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 NIST Timeline re-confirmed Oct 12 Draft 0.5 July 28, 2010 Call for Input to Section 6 August 4, 2010 End of draft 0.5 review period September 15, 2010 SGIP face-to-face, St Louis Tentative PAP 2 meeting September 16, 2010 September 30, 2010 Release of draft 0.6 October 29, 2010 End of draft 0.6 review period November 4, 2010 OpenSG meeting, Miami Tentative PAP 2 meeting December 3, 2010 SGIP face-to-face, Chicago PAP 2 meeting Release of Version 1 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
PAP#2 Report was updated Oct 1
October 2010 PAP#2 Report was updated Oct 1 Who on the call has read thru the new report? Any comments on mistakes or additions we should report on sections 1-5? Any comments or submissions for section 6? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Action plan for Oct 20 call
October 2010 Action plan for Oct 20 call Agreed on Oct 13 call 1. Forward comments on capacity planning to NIST. Done via document 1209. 2. Review prior submission 1133 and determine if it should be re-submitted Prepared in document 1210 r0 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Future Agenda Items Review of NIST PAP#2 Status and submission plans for: Sections 1-5 Section 6 (Simulations or field test results) Any comments to consider submitting to UK Smart Metering Consultation? Other topics? Last call prior to NIST & UK deadline on Wed October 27 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Further Details and Previous discussions
October 2010 Further Details and Previous discussions Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Mechanical Comparison
October 2010 Mechanical Comparison r5 r6 Part pages 1 3 2 4 -10 4 -12 11 – 21 13 – 31 4 22 – 30 32 – 41 5 31 – 49 42 – 53 6 + 7 50 8 + 9 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Section 6 – Performance Findings
October 2010 Section 6 – Performance Findings 6.1 Performance Metrics and User Application Requirements 6.2 The Effect of Interference 6.3 The Effect of the Wireless Link Environment 6.4 The Effect of the Size of the Coverage Range 6.5 Extending the Deployment Range 6.6 Conclusions 6.7 Parameters and Assumptions Used in Numerical Examples Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Section 6.6 (1) 6.6 Conclusions
October 2010 Section 6.6 (1) 6.6 Conclusions In this section, we looked at factors that can affect performance of the wireless link from the smart meter to the DAP. These factors include ambient interference, the propagation environment, and coverage area. While we chose one wireless link layer technology and one set of example environments to illustrate how performance depends on these factors, the conclusions that we draw generally apply to many other wireless technologies and many other deployment scenarios. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Section 6.6 (2) First, we examined the impact of ambient interference on performance. We observed that interference lowers the maximum load per smart meter that can be sustained while still satisfying reliability and delay requirements. Furthermore, associated with each wireless technology deployment is a maximum tolerable level of interference beyond which reliability suffers even at low smart meter loads. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Summary of r6 Expectations for report have evolved over time. Current version represents what first published version will look like. NIST open to corrective suggestions – but not major re-write. Deadline for comments remains firm at Oct 29. Any 802 comments must be submitted prior to November plenary. Not entirely clear what future re-write/extension might be authorized in the future. First pass read suggests nothing unduly favorable nor unduly or pessimistic Examples still focus on Could use more simulation results e.g 900 MHz comparison Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 UK Activity First comment phase closed Sep 28 Second phase closes Oct 28 (next slide) Submissions or suggestions? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Phase 2 Questions for response by 28 October 2010 relate to the following areas: data privacy and security consumer protection energy displays and information provision the approach to smaller non-domestic consumers responsibilities for customer premises equipment proposal for a new Smart Energy Code the establishment and scope of the central data and communications function Appendix 1 of the Prospectus lists the full set of consultation questions in one place and sets out the questions for which the deadline for responses is 28 September 2010, and those for which the deadline is 28 October 2010. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
NIST Twiki Update October 2010
Input for consideration for next version of guideline from PAP#2 Preface_PAP_2_guidelines_v0.5_Hughes.doc: Preface Prepared_definitions.doc: additional definitions for section 2 Section_4-composite-r1.doc: test for consideration of section 4 a_-_C A__WG3-ProposedCovertr455ToSGIPPAP2.doc: Cover letter r1_-_C __WG3-ProposedInputToSGIPPAP2.pdf: results WTSC-RAN R3.doc: report SmartGrid_Calculation.xls: calculations WTSC-RAN R3.doc: September 16, 2010: ATIS Proposed Changes to NIST Priority Action Plan 2 PAP02r5-comments-aug2010.docx: Comments related to document NIST_Priority_Action_Plan_2_r05.pdf NIST_PAP2_Report_r5-_Consolidated_change_suggestions.ppt: IEEE 802 comments Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Tools provided by NIST and used in presentations
February 4, 2010 San Francisco, CA - Presentation, readme, and model components PAP2modeling.ppt nist_80211_mac.m: Matlab code for 80211_MAC_Model nist_80211_MAC_readme.pdf: Readme file for using the model Matlab code SNRcdf.m: Matlab code for computing SNR probability at wireless receiver SNRcdfCell.m: Matlab code for coverage analysis nist_phy_model_readme.pdf: Readme file for using Matlab code for SNRcdf and SNRcdfCell nist_channel_propagation_models.pdf: Channel propagation models September 16, 2010 St. Louis, MO - Presentation, readme, and model components LTE_SmartGrid_Analysis.ppt: Presentation on LTE README.doc: Readme for LTE model LTEphyParams.mat: model LTEsectorThput.m: model MCS_data.mat: model SNRcdfSector3.m: model Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Tools provided by Others
October 2010 Tools provided by Others IEEE_802_15_4_MAC_PHY Matlab code for 802_15_4 MAC/PHY_Model README_802_15_4_MAC_PHY_Model.pdf Readme file for using the model Matlab code IEEE_802_15_4_MAC_PHY Model's web page Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Meeting Summary October 2010 Teleconference Document
doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Meeting Summary Teleconference Document Meeting Document for the week Comment document R5 was posted at: Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Smart Grid Status Summary
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Smart Grid Status Summary Feedback from NIST Bruce, Thank you very much for your input. Section 6 is for the performance analysis of trends and behaviors, ie a mix of sample data and analysis to discuss the findings. Nada Need to confirm schedule plan (any changes?) Plan of attack for Section 6 Telecons will resume Sept 22 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
Call for Contributions to Section 6
October 2010 Call for Contributions to Section 6 Suggested Outline Factors affecting performance, i.e. reliability, delay, throughput Channel conditions such as distance, transmitted power, interference, propagation environment Traffic load Number of users Seeking volunteers? Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Section 6 – Default Suggestions
October 2010 Section 6 – Default Suggestions 6. Findings / Results Does wireless technology X meet SG-Network requirements Performance Metrics Reliability Latency Scalability meets throughput needs handles the number of devices needed range interference immunity By actor to actor / Link by link which is the best to use How does its work in urban, sub-urban, rural How well does it propagate (e.g. walls, basements, vaults, clutter, hills) scalability over a quantity of end points Equipment required to operate Include processing time between actor to actor Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Smart Grid ad hoc Call Schedule
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Smart Grid ad hoc Call Schedule Call schedule Call plan/call topics for period leading up to September interim Wednesdays at 2pm ET has been the pattern Agree to schedule calls Convene next sequence beginning Wed Sept 22, R6 should be available Review NIST schedule & output of SGIP meeting Input of simulations previously created (for ) Primary topic will be comments on R6 & generation of input to Section 6 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
UK Smart Metering - Introduction
October 2010 UK Smart Metering - Introduction Reference Number: 10D/732 Open Date: Close Date: On 27 July 2010, the Government with Ofgem published a Prospectus containing proposals for the delivery of electricity and gas smart metering in Great Britain. This covers both domestic households and small and medium non-domestic sites. The Prospectus document, which represents the joint views of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (GEMA), sets out proposals for and asks for views on how smart metering will be delivered, including on issues relating to: the minimum requirements for meters and displays the establishment of central communications and data services data privacy and security issues the regulatory and commercial framework the approach to small and medium sites in the non-domestic sector consumer protection the approach to rollout and the implementation strategy Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Ofgem, DECC, GEMA October 2010
Ofgem is the Office of the Gas and Electricity Markets. Protecting consumers is our first priority. We do this by promoting competition, wherever appropriate, and regulating the monopoly companies which run the gas and electricity networks. The interests of gas and electricity consumers are their interests taken as a whole, including their interests in the reduction of greenhouse gases and in the security of the supply of gas and electricity to them. Ofgem is governed by GEMA, which consists of non-executive and executive members and a non-executive chair. GEMA is the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (DECC) The Department of Energy and Climate Change was created in October 2008 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 UK Activity Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Phase 1 October 2010 Consultation
Your views and comments on the proposals are invited. We have set two different deadlines for responses. The deadline for responses on a number of the consultation questions is 28 October However, we are also seeking responses on a number of key consultation questions on a shorter timescale – by 28 September 2010 – to facilitate earlier decisions where this is possible and appropriate. Questions for response by 28 September 2010 cover three key areas: The proposed functional requirements catalogue and the approach for developing technical specifications for smart metering equipment. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our Statement of Design Requirements supporting document. Our proposed strategy for roll out including the consumer experience, proposals for a code of practice on installation, the use of installation targets and potential future obligations on local coordination. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our Roll Out strategy supporting document. Our proposed implementation strategy, including our proposal for a staged approach to implementation, the timeline for agreement of the technical specifications and whether there are any other ways we can bring the rollout forward. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our Implementation Strategy supporting document. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Phase 2 Questions for response by 28 October 2010 relate to the following areas: data privacy and security consumer protection energy displays and information provision the approach to smaller non-domestic consumers responsibilities for customer premises equipment proposal for a new Smart Energy Code the establishment and scope of the central data and communications function Appendix 1 of the Prospectus lists the full set of consultation questions in one place and sets out the questions for which the deadline for responses is 28 September 2010, and those for which the deadline is 28 October 2010. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
October 2010 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus
October 2010 References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus Wide-area network (WAN) : The smart metering WAN will be used for two-way communication between smart meters and DCC (via the WAN communications module in the customer‟s premises). WAN communications module: The WAN communications module should be upgradable without the need for the meter to be exchanged. Responsibility for WAN module: Suppliers will have responsibility for procuring and installing the WAN module on the basis of a specification defined by DCC. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
DCC Central communications and data management
October 2010 DCC Central communications and data management 3.15. Communication of data to and from smart meters in the domestic sector will be managed centrally by a new, GB-wide function covering both the electricity and gas sectors. We refer to this new function as the central data and communications entity ("DataCommsCo" or "DCC"). This will provide benefits of efficiency and interoperability. DCC will also provide a basis to simplify and improve industry processes, including change of supplier, and to enable the development of smart grids. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus
October 2010 References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus 3.7. The rollout of smart metering will involve the introduction of a range of new equipment into customers‟ premises, including: Gas and electricity meters with smart functionality; An in-home display (IHD) for domestic customers; A wide area network (WAN) communications module to connect to the central communications provider; and A home area network (HAN) to link different meters within customer premises, the communications module and the IHD (and potentially other consumer devices, such as microgeneration and load control devices). Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus
October 2010 References to WAN/HAN - Abstract from Prospectus 3.8. Detailed proposals on the functional requirements for the smart metering system are set out in the "Statement of Design Requirements" supporting document. Some of the key features are as follows: The smart metering system will support the high-level functions set out above. A full list of the services that must be supported by the smart metering system is included in the appendix to the supporting document. Electricity and domestic gas meters will be mandated to have functionality to support remote enablement and disablement of supply. The HAN must use open standards and protocols – so as to achieve interoperability and enable innovation by equipment manufacturers. This also keeps open the option of extending the smart metering system in future to support additional services such as water metering, where appropriate. IHDs will be connected to gas and electricity meters through the HAN. The minimum functionality to be provided by an IHD was described in Chapter 2. The WAN communications module must be capable of being separated from the meter to enable the module to be upgraded without exchanging the meter. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
UK Consultation documents
October 2010 UK Consultation documents Consultation documents Smart Metering implementation programme: prospectus - letter to consultees Size: [50 KB] File Type: [.doc] Smart Metering implementation programme: prospectus document Size: [786 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Appendix 1 – Consultation Response and Questions
October 2010 Appendix 1 – Consultation Response and Questions 1.3. As set out in the introduction, we are determined to make progress with implementation of the smart metering rollout quickly. We have therefore set two different deadlines for responses. We are seeking responses on a number of key aspects of this consultation on a shorter timescale – by 28 September 2010 – to facilitate earlier decisions where this is possible and appropriate. The deadline for responses on the remaining questions is 28 October 2010. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Questions for response by 28 September 2010
October 2010 Questions for response by 28 September 2010 1.4. Questions for response by 28 September 2010 cover three key areas: The proposed functional requirements catalogue and the approach for developing technical specifications for smart metering equipment. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our Statement of Design Requirements supporting document. Our proposed strategy for roll out including the consumer experience, proposals for a code of practice on installation, the use of installation targets and potential future obligations on local coordination. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our RollOut Strategy supporting document. Our proposed implementation strategy, including our proposal for a staged approach to implementation, the timeline for agreement of the technical specifications and whether there are any other ways we can bring the rollout forward. We are also seeking early responses to the more detailed questions set out in our Implementation Strategy supporting document. Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Questions for response by 28 October 2010
1.5. Questions for response by 28 October 2010 relate to:- Data privacy and security; Consumer protection; Energy displays and information provision; The approach to smaller non-domestic consumers; Responsibilities for customer premises equipment; Our proposal for a new Smart Energy Code; and The establishment and scope of the central data and communications function Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
DECC & Ofgem supporting documents
October 2010 DECC & Ofgem supporting documents DECC & Ofgem supporting documents Impact assessment: GB-wide smart meter roll out for the domestic sector Size: [516 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Impact assessment: GB-wide advanced/smart meter roll out to small and medium non-domestic sites Size: [296 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Disablement / enablement functionality for smart gas meters Size: [99 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Analysis on disablement/ enablement functionality for smart gas meters Size: [656 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: statement of design requirements Size: [713 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: communications business model Size: [1,011 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: implementation strategy Size: [560 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: rollout strategy Size: [608 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: regulatory and commercial framework Size: [650 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: non-domestic sector Size: [419 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: consumer protection Size: [411 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: data privacy and security Size: [303 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Smart Metering implementation programme: in-home display Size: [392 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Consumers’ views of Smart Metering: report by FDS International Size: [948 KB] File Type: [.pdf] Bruce Kraemer, Marvell
Smart Grid ad hoc Call Schedule
October 2010 doc.: IEEE /1180r3 October 2010 Smart Grid ad hoc Call Schedule Call schedule Call plan/call topics for period leading up to September interim Wednesdays at 2pm ET has been the pattern Convene next call after R6 is available R6 should be out Sept 30 First practical call date is Oct 12 Primary topic will be comments on R6 & generation of input to Section 6 Bruce Kraemer, Marvell Bruce Kraemer (Marvell)
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