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Training Effects Amina & Drexler .

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Presentation on theme: "Training Effects Amina & Drexler ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Effects Amina & Drexler 

2 Keywords: Bradycardia - decrease in the resting heart rate to below 60 beats per minute Cardiac output - amount of blood pumped out by each ventricle in per minute. It is equal to stroke volume multiplied by heart rate Stroke Volume x Heart rate = Cardiac Output Stroke volume - The amount of blood pumped out by the left ventricle in each contraction VO2(max) - the maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in and used by the body in one minute Maximum heart rate - the maximum amount of times the heart beats per minute

3 Hypertrophy This is where the heart gets bigger and stronger as there is an increase of ventricle size which allows them to fill with more blood during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle. This will result in bradycardia (decrease in resting heart rate) and an increase in stroke volume). Maximum Cardiac Output will increase but will remain the same at rest Athletes Heart Common term for an enlarged heart by repeated strenuous exercise Increased demand of exercise causes chambers of the heart to enlarge and it also increases the heart’s muscle mass This results in an increase in the volume of blood that can be pumped out p/beat Heart contracts less

4 Increased Capilliarisation
As there is more capillaries, it increases the efficiency of diffusion of oxygen into the myocardium Increased Contractility Resistance /strength training causes an in the force of heart contractions. This is because there is a thickening of the ventricular myocardium. This increases stroke volume and will also increase the ejection fraction as a higher % of blood is pumped

5 Spot The Difference!

6 Increase in muscle size of the heart.
The chambers of the heart in large, especially the left ventricle because it is pumping blood around the body. Increase in muscle size of the heart.

7 Exam Questions 

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