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KS2 Paper 2B 2017 By Mr Maddison.

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1 KS2 Paper 2B 2017 By Mr Maddison

2 Altogether, how many children don’t walk to school?
1. William asks the children in Year 2 and Year 6 if they walk to school. The graph shows the results. Number of children Altogether, how many children don’t walk to school? How many more Year 6 children than Year 2 children walk to school? 100 35

3 2. Circle the number that is 100 times greater than two hundred and six.
2, , , ,000

4 3. Write the missing numbers to make this multiplication grid correct.
x 6 48 66 9 99 8 11 72

5 4. This table shows the lengths of three rivers.
How much longer is the Amazon than the combined lengths of the other two rivers? 1795 + 216 2011 4345 - 2011 2334 2334 m

6 194 1,853 4,940 Complete this table with the missing numbers.
One row has been done for you. 194 1,853 4,940

7 6. Write these numbers in order of size, starting with the largest and decreasing.
0.208 0.153 0.07 0.068 smallest

8 180 56 6 3 minutes = seconds 8 weeks= days 60 years = decades
7. Write the missing numbers. 3 minutes = seconds 8 weeks= days 60 years = decades 180 56 6

9 At the start of May, there were 3,405 toy soldiers in the shop.
During May, 4,200 more toy soldiers were delivered 6,985 toy soldiers were sold How many toy soldiers were left in the shop at the end of May? 620 3405 + 4200 7605 7605- 6985 620

10 9. Tick two shapes that have ¾ shaded.
5/9 5/8 8/12 10/16 =2/3 =5/8

11 20,810 to nearest 10 to nearest 100 to nearest 1000 20,800 21,000
10. Round 20,805 to nearest 10 to nearest 100 to nearest 1000 20,810 20,800 21,000

12 11. Here is a rule for the time it takes to cook a pork joint.
Cooking time = 2 hours plus an extra 20 minutes for each kilogram How long will it take to cook a 4 kg pork joint? What is the mass of pork that takes 160 minutes to cook? 3 20 hours minutes 4 x 20 = 80 = 1 h 20 m 1h 20m + 2h = 3h 20m 2 kg 2 h = 120 m 160 – 120 = 40 40  20 = 2

13  Faces Edges 6 12 5 8 5 9 4 6 Here are diagrams of some 3-D shapes.
Tick each shape that has twice as many edges as faces. Faces Edges Cube Square-based pyramid Triangular prism Triangular-based pyramid

14 13. Ally and Jack buy some stickers.
Pack of 8 stickers £6.95 8 stickers 98p each Ally buys a pack of 8 stickers for £6.95 Jack buys 8 single stickers for 98p each. How much more does Jack pay than Ally? 8 x 98p = £8 – 16p = £7.84 £7.84 – £6.95 £0.89 0.89

15 18  3 = 6 6 x 4 = 24 24 Rosie planted some seeds.
For every 4 seeds Rosie planted, only 3 seeds grew. Altogether, 18 seeds grew. How many seeds did Rosie plant? 18  3 = 6 6 x 4 = 24 24

16 15. At the end of a film, the year is given in Roman numerals.
Write the year MCMXCVII in figures. M = 1000 C = 100 X = 10 , V=5, I=1 So MCM = XC = 10 before 100 = 90 VII = 2 after 5 = 7 1997

17 900 360 is one complete turn 180 is half a turn
16. Layla completes two-and-a-half somersaults in a dive. Start 360 is one complete turn 180 is half a turn 720 is two complete turns 900 is 21/2 turns How many degrees does Layla turn through in her dive? o 900

18 6 5 4 3 2 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 The vertices of a quadrilateral have these coordinates. (2,3) (3,-1) (-2,3) (-5,-1) One side of the quadrilateral has been drawn on the grid. Complete the quadrilateral. Use a ruler.

19 1/8 3/24 = 1/8 A cat sleeps for 12 hours each day.
½ of its life is spent asleep. Write the missing fraction. A horse sleeps for 3 hours each day. of its life is spent asleep. 1/8 3/24 = 1/8

20 Mollie posts four large letters.
The postage costs the same for each letter. She pays with a £20 note. Her change is £13.48 What is the cost of posting one letter? 1.63 £20.00 – £13.48 £ 6.52 4 6.52 1.63

21 1/5 = 2/10 = 0.2 0.2 > 0.15 0.15 is smaller than 1/5 Georgina says,
Explain why he is correct. 1/5 = 2/10 = 0.2 0.2 > 0.15

22 450  20 = 45  2 22.5 2 45.0 22.5 21. On a map, 1cm represents 20km.
450  20 = 45  2 kilometres The distance between two cities is 450 km. On the map, what is the distance between the two cities? 22.5 2 45.0 22.5 cm

23 22. Here are two similar right-angled triangles.
b a Write the ratio of side a to side b. a : b 1:5 : Sloping sides have the same ratio as the horizontal or vertical sides. 2:10 1:5

24 ¼ + 2/6 = 3/12 + 4/12 = 7/12 So 5/12 is not shaded
23. In this circle, ¼ and 2/6 are shaded. ¼ + 2/6 = 3/12 + 4/12 = 7/12 So 5/12 is not shaded What fraction of the whole circle is not shaded?


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