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Neuroleptic drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Neuroleptic drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neuroleptic drugs

2 Overview Antischizophrenic drugs, antipsychotic drugs, or major tranquilizers Manic states and delirium





7 schizophrenia Is a particular type of psychosis
Characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and thinking or speech disturbances. Has a strong genetic component An overactivity of the mesolimbic depaminergic neurons

8 Neuroleptic drugs Five major classifications based on the structure of the drug. Phenothiazines: chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, et al. Dibenzodiazepines: clozapine

9 Mode of action Dopamine receptor-blocking activity in brain: D1-D5 receptors Antagonized by agents that raise dopamine concentration Serotonin receptor-blocking activity in brain: atypical agents appear to exert part of their unique action through inhibition of S receptors



12 Actions antipsychotic actions: Reduces the hallucinations and agitation. Calming effect and reduce spontaneous physical movement. Extrapyramidal effects: akathisia, tardive dyskinesia

13 Actions Antiemetic effect: mediated by blocking D2 dopaminergic receptors of the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla Antimuscarinic effects: cause anticholinergic effects, including blurred vision,constipation and urinary retention Other effects: blockade of -adrenergic receptors causes orthostatic hypotension

14 Therapeutic uses Treatment of schizophrenia: are the only efficacious treatment for schizophrenia. Positive symptoms including delusions, hallucinations and thought disorders. Newer agents with serotonin blocking activity are effective in many patients resistant to the traditional agents.

15 Therapeutic uses Prevention of severe nausea and vomiting
most commonly prochlorperazine Other uses: to manage agitated and disruptive behavior Chlorpromazine is used to treat intractable hiccups

16 Absorption and metabolism
Are metabolized to many different substances by the P450 system in the liver.

17 Adverse effects Parkinsonian effects: Tardive dyskinesia
Other effects:

18 Cautions and contraindications
acute agitation accompanying withdrawal from alcohol or other drugs may be aggravated by the neuroleptics. Chlorpromazine is contraindicated in patients with seizure disorder.

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