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Windsor Elementary School

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1 Windsor Elementary School

2 2017-2018 OVERVIEW WES is On the Rise………….. Year Grade SPG (55-69)-C
School Performance Grade (55-69)-C EVAAS Growth >2 Exceed -2 to 1.99 Met <-2 Not Met Proficiency Composite C 65 3.5 EXCEED 59.6% 63 2.6 EXCEED 56.6% 58 2.5 EXCEED 50% D 50 -1.42 MET 43%

3 2017-2018 OVERVIEW Enrollment Summary Demographics
Enrollment Black 78% Enrollment White 20% Enrollment Other 2% ED % Grade C-65 (5 points from B) EVAAS-3.53 Exceed

4 Long Term Goals

5 2018-2019 DATA TARGETS Overall SUBJECT 2018-2019 TARGET 2017-2018
MATH 63% 61% 52% 41% READING 55% 49.5% 50% SCIENCE 80% 74% 72% OVERALL 66% 59.6% 57%

6 NARRATIVE Letter Grade of C(65) Opportunities Successes
Increased proficiency from 43%(2015) to 60%(2018) Increase proficiency to 66% Exceeded Growth for 3 straight years 2.5, 2.6, Meet CCR in all subgroups Increased enrollment from 337 to Increase reading proficiency to 55% 96% Highly Qualified Staff Increase math proficiency to 63% Demographics Increase science proficiency to 80% 78% African American CCR-College and Career Readiness (Level 4 and Level 5 20% White 2% Other

7 School Improvement Video

8 Goal 1: Every student will receive an education that is personalized to his or her social, emotional, and academic needs. Goal 1

9 Measurable Objective Measurable Objective to Achieve Goal:
1) Windsor Elementary School growth index per grade and tested subject will increase by .2 as evidenced by EVAAS growth index data and our school proficiency composite will be at least 66% at EOY 2019.

10 Strategies 1.)EVAAS Focus in Professional Learning Communities
2)Weekly After School Collaborative Vertical Planning Sessions 3)Weekly PLC’s with a focus on data analysis, reflection, and professional development. 4.)Daily Guided Reading 5)Supportive programs and teaching strategies include: RtI, , MClass, AIG, Guided Reading, LetterLand, IREADY, Corrective Reading, 6) Assessment differentiation, progress monitoring, 504 plans, and IEPs. 7) Focus on growth with incentives for meeting growth expectations. 8. STEM lessons 9)Character Education/Rachel Challenge/Growth Mindset Classes for all students 10)New additions to the PBIS School wide program

11 Resources Individualized Education Plan (IEP) 504 Plans
Guided Reading Resources STEM Lessons NC Low Partnership for the Sounds Elementary Battle of the Books (EBOB) Response to Intervention(RtI) Progress Monitoring PBIS(MTSS) Corrective Reading IREADY ELA and Math One District/ One Book Novels

12 Goal 2: Windsor Elementary will create and maintain a healthy, safe, respectful, and responsible educational environment for all students, staff, parents, and community members. Goal 2

13 Measurable Objective Elementary School will reduce the number of disciplinary referrals school-wide from both the classroom and the bus by 5% from the previous school year as tracked by PowerSchool.

14 Resources 2) Use Point System for classroom rewards.
1) Use Point System for admission into PBIS celebrations 2) Use Point System for classroom rewards. 3) Create Polar Bear Shop so students can exchange points for rewards 4) Daily behavior chart in classrooms and student planners 5) Recognize students on school-wide daily broadcast 6)School-wide special events to reinforce positive behavior. 7)Rachel’s Challenge Lessons infused quarterly and school wide participation in Rachel’s Challenge chain.

15 Goal 3: Windsor Elementary School will develop and support a highly effective 21st century professional staff. Goal 3

16 Measurable Objective Elementary School will provide differentiated professional development opportunities for teachers to work with colleagues to refine teaching practices and meet diverse student learning needs

17 Strategies 1.)Weekly collaborative grade level PLC’s
2)Differentiated Professional Development Sessions  (KEA, Growth Mindset, Guided Reading, Blended Learning, IREADY, MTSS) 

18 Resources Media Coordinator Principal IReady Trainer DPI Module
Professional Development Schedule Media Coordinator Principal IReady Trainer DPI Module Curriculum and Instruction Team

19 PROGRESS MONITOR Reading 3D BOY, MOY, EOY (September, January, and May) for Reading in Grades K-3 STAR Testing (September, January, and May) Measuring students grade equivalent reading levels Case 21 Quarterly Benchmarks Measuring reading, math, and science IREADY ELA and Math Diagnostic,Formative, and summative assessments(September, December, April) Corrective Reading Mastery Test-Monthly to measure Fluency and vocabulary SchoolNet Formative Assessments-Weekly

20 Professional Development
Next Slide

21 Co-Teaching Overview Training (Staff) 2
September 12 All Growth Mindset(PLC) Academic 1 September 17 Co-Teaching Overview Training (Staff) 2 September 19 Growth Mindset September 24 Co-Teaching Teachers Co-Teaching Practices(Staff) Facilitators Stephenson, Unicruz, Gregory September 26 IREADY(PLC) Reading/Math October 1 School Improvement Meeting(Staff) Progress Monitoring October 8 Guided Reading (Staff) Reading October 15 Guided Reading(Staff) Due by Oct. 15 (Part of PGP) Kindergarten Teachers KEA Modules 10 October 16 November 7 Blended Learning (PLC) Digital Competencies 1` November 14 Blended Learning(PLC)

22 Budget $111,068.01

23 I. Basic Planning Allotment
1. PRC 50 Title I School Allocation $111,068.01 2. Personnel (Include teacher’s assistants, tutors) ( - ) $20,000 (19,116) 3. Staff Development (Staff development required or necessary for school improvement) $ 4000 4. SUBTOTAL remaining after you deduct personnel and staff development from the basic allotment $87,069.21 A. Supplies & Materials (Use state allotment first.) (Max. 25 boxes of paper) $ 25000 B. Computer Materials & Software $10000 C. Library Books & AV Equipment $ 20000 D. Equipment (under $500) E. Computers (over 500) $ 30000 A. Workshops/Conferences/Retreats $ 4,000.00 D. Workshop Supplies & Materials $ 2. SUBTOTAL ( = ) $ IV. Parent Engagement Allotment 1. Planning Allocation $ 1,295.00 2. Parent Workshop Supplies & Materials $


25 Presenter Principal Tracy Gregory
Q&A Presenter Principal Tracy Gregory

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