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Kernell and Jacobson, Logic of American Politics

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1 Kernell and Jacobson, Logic of American Politics
“Presidency” Kernell and Jacobson, Logic of American Politics

2 Power of Presidency September 11: Demonstrated Power of Presidency Framers Intent: President able to Act Framers designed presidency to able to act quickly in times of crisis. Delicate Balance: Need to “Napoleon Threat” Framers wanted President to able act in moments of crisis, but not be able to seize too much power… and therefore limited “his” power… …

3 The President and the Constitution
The President and the Constitution Modern Presidency has shallow statutory roots: much of its power has been given or relinquished by Congress. …

4 Commander in Chief and Head Diplomat
Commander in Chief President commands the military, but only Congress can declare war. “Hollow Check” Congress’ authority to declare war was become a “hollow check” since presidents frequently ignore it… …

5 Power of President: Historical Context
Lincoln: Extended Power of President Suspended writ of habeas corpus (can arrest people without any evidence of a crime). He also: 1) Extended military enlistments 2) Increased size of military 3) Blockaded Southern ports …All without Congressional authorization.

6 Power of President: Historical Context
Congress and Vietnam War Congress tried to reassert and clarify its power with War Powers Act (1973). The Act states that: 1) President must notify Congress with 48 hours of deploying troops 2) Military campaigns limited to 60 Days without Congressional authorization. …

7 Presidency and Diplomacy
Head Diplomat President’s power as head diplomat is not exactly clear. Senate has to authorize (by 2/3) all treaties – a check on the president. But presidents can get around Congress with executive agreements. …

8 President as Chief Executive
President as Chief Executive Article II is somewhat rambling: real power is not laid out until section 2. Executive Privilege? Can the president legally withhold information from Congress?

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