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Earth, Moon and Sun! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth, Moon and Sun! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth, Moon and Sun! Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Earth Moon Sun A B C D E

3 What would happen if the Earth did not spin on its axis?
Earth—A What would happen if the Earth did not spin on its axis?

4 Answer Earth—A We wouldn’t have day and night because the sun would always shine on the same part of the earth.

5 Earth—B What are 2 things we have on Earth that allow plants and animals to live here?

6 Oxygen to breathe and water to drink.
Answer Earth – B Oxygen to breathe and water to drink.

7 How long does it take for the Earth to go around the Sun one time?
Earth— C How long does it take for the Earth to go around the Sun one time?

8 Answer Earth— C 365 days; one year.

9 What are the two ways the Earth moves?
Earth D What are the two ways the Earth moves?

10 Earth revolves around the sun in an orbit.
Answer Earth— D Earth rotates, or spins. Earth revolves around the sun in an orbit.

11 Rotation or Revolution?
Earth— E Rotation or Revolution? When one side of the Earth is having daytime, the other side is having nighttime.

12 Answer Earth— E Rotation, because as the Earth spins the Sun shines on different places. Where the Sun is shining, it is daytime.

13 Moon— A There is no life on the moon because it: A. is always hot
B. has too much wind. C. has too many craters. D. has no air.

14 Answer Moon— A D. has no air.

15 Which phase of the moon is shown here?
Moon— B Which phase of the moon is shown here?

16 Answer Moon— B This is a Full Moon

17 Why does the moon look like it shines?
Moon— C Why does the moon look like it shines?

18 The moon reflects light from the sun and looks like it is shining.
Answer Moon— C The moon reflects light from the sun and looks like it is shining.

19 How long does it take the moon to go through all 8 of its phases?
Moon— D How long does it take the moon to go through all 8 of its phases?

20 Answer Moon— D It takes about 29 days for the moon to travel through all 8 phases. Each phase lasts for just over 3 days.

21 Can you name each of the 4 main moon phases?
Moon— E Can you name each of the 4 main moon phases?

22 Answer Moon— E New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter

23 What does the Sun give us that we cannot live without?
Sun— A What does the Sun give us that we cannot live without?

24 The Sun gives us heat and light.
Answer Sun— A The Sun gives us heat and light.

25 Why are the Sun, Moon and Earth called a system?
Sun— B Why are the Sun, Moon and Earth called a system?

26 Answer Sun— B The Sun, Moon and Earth are called a system because they work together in movements that cause day and night, the seasons and moon phases.

27 What happens as the Earth orbits around the sun?
Sun— C What happens as the Earth orbits around the sun?

28 We have different seasons as the earth orbits around the sun.
Answer Sun— C We have different seasons as the earth orbits around the sun.

29 The part of the Earth tilted toward the Sun is in which season?
Sun— D The part of the Earth tilted toward the Sun is in which season?

30 Summer, because the sunlight is more direct.
Answer Sun— D Summer, because the sunlight is more direct.

31 Sun— E Why do the sun and moon look like they are the same size? Which one is bigger?

32 The sun is a lot bigger than the moon.
Answer Sun— E They look like they are the same size because the Sun is so much farther away from Earth than the Moon is. The sun is a lot bigger than the moon.

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