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Japanese Imperialism.

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1 Japanese Imperialism

2 Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Peasants
*Japanese feudalism lasts 1000 to 1867

3 1500s – Japan in civil war when Europeans first come to island
Traders and missionaries spread Christianity


5 1600 –1868 : Tokugawa shogunate isolation policy (1 trading port for Chinese & Dutch) persecute Christians 1853 – Commodore Matthew Perry (U.S.) forces shogun to open trade to Western world


7 : Meiji Restoration end of shoguns = emperor takes power new machinery, modern schools, and national army & navy Constitution (1889) create Diet (Parliament) nationalism – revive ancient Bushido code

8 Imperialism 1894 –1895 : war w/ China over Korea
victory = Taiwan & islands and controlled Korea until 1945 1904 – 1905 : Russo-Japanese War victory = portions of China 1914 – 1918 : World War 1 victory = German-held islands in Pacific Ocean : World War 2 defeat = loss of empire


10 Princess Kaiulani video
U.S. Imperialism Princess Kaiulani video

11 Hawaii and Alaska 1867 – U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia
1893 – revolt in Hawaii led by American planters 5 years later = U.S. control (state in 1959) Queen Liliuokalani

12 Spanish-American War 1898 – U.S. enters war to help Cuba gain independence Victory = Philippines Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico

13 Panama Canal 1903 – President Theodore Roosevelt encourages Panama to revolt against Colombia U.S. allowed to build a canal between Pacific and Atlantic Ocean

14 Latin America U.S. dominates governments & economies
Dollar Diplomacy : U.S. businesses invest in the development of countries and build factories in them : U.S. regulates Caribbean & Latin America to protect Panama Canal Interferes in affairs of Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, & Mexico 1917 – U.S purchases Virgin Islands from Denmark


16 Warm Up During the Meiji Restoration what were they trying to do?
During Japanese Imperialism, what is the only war they lost? What did they lose? What president wanted Panama to revolt against Colombia? Why?

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