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Applying to the University of Maryland, College Park

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1 Applying to the University of Maryland, College Park
Master of Professional Studies in Geospatial Information Sciences (MPGC)

2 Check Program Specific Admissions Requirements
Besides the standard Graduate School Application Form, applicants are required to submit : Official transcripts from previous colleges or universities (two unopened copies) Must be received no later than October Cover letter or personal statement Resume or CV At least two recommendation letters.  TOEFL/IELTS/PTE or successful in person exam/ video If using TOEFL/IELTS/PTE: Test scores (GRE, GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS/PTE) must be electronically submitted to the University of Maryland, College Park. The institutional codes are listed here. Any discrepancy in the name or birth date of the applicant, can result in a delay in posting the scores to the application. We also ask for applicants to enter their test registration numbers. Non-refundable application fee ($75) for each program to which an applicant applies Program Admission Requirements The application deadline is May 21, Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please apply as soon as possible.

3 Complete the online application
Create Student Account Complete the online graduate application through the Hobsons ApplyYourself Graduate Admissions System. Click on ‘Create account’ tab. Follow instructions and log in to begin.

4 Complete All Categories
Click SAVE after every submission! A) Demographics B) Contact Information C) Educational Intent D) Previous Education E) Personal Information F) Publication/Presentations G) Faculty of Interest H) Upload Requirements I) Add Your Recommendations J) Check Your Application for Errors

5 Demographics Maryland Residency Complete all fields with *
All other information is suggested but not mandatory Maryland Residency Do you wish to be considered for instate tuition status?: No: You do not need to complete the Maryland residency section of the application Social Security Number: leave bank Permanent Mailing Address information: Complete all fields Complete all information as it pertains to you Hit Save & Continue

6 Educational Intent Application Type: International
Term of Entrance: Fall 2019 College/ School: College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Intended Program of Study: Geospatial Information Sciences (MPGC) Degree: M.P.S. Area of Interest: 1,2,3: Not applicable Testing Registration Numbers: Enter if using TOEFL , IELTS, Pearsons(PTE). Leave blank if using in person exam or video ORCID-Not applicable Hit Save & Continue

7 Previous Education Institution Code: JB0770 is Nanjing Normal otherwise search for term ‘unknown’ in school name search field and select country in which your institution resides. Institution Name: Insert name of institution Institution Country: China Currently Attending: Yes or No Attended From/ To: Insert dates Graduated/Expected graduation: Insert date

8 Previous Education Continued
Degree Expected/ Awarded: Select from drop down list Major/ program: May leave blank or insert information Institution Grade Point Average (GPA): Insert if known Please select institutions grading scale: Select from drop down menu Upload copy of official transcript: Upload in original language AND English as one document. Copy of diploma(s) in combined upload. Upon admission, official version is required to be submitted to Graduate School at the University of Maryland, College Park. (see notes for more information) Repeat Process for each institution attended. Hit Save & Continue

9 Personal Information Graduate Funding
Do you wish to be considered for a Graduate Assistantship or Fellowship?: No If you do not get a Graduate Assistantship of Fellowship, can you finance your education?: Yes Are you applying for Golden ID program for retired Maryland residents? No Military Service Have you ever served on active duty or in the National Guard/ Reserves in the U.S. Armed Forces?: I have no U.S. military service experience. Hit Save & Continue

10 Publication/ Presentations
Please list any papers published or accepted for publication in journals or conference proceedings: I have authored publication(s): Choose yes or no If yes: complete required fields below If no: continue to next category on left Hit Save & Continue

11 Faculty of Interest Upload Requirements
Do you have an interest in any particular faculty members (s) at this time?: No, not required for this program Hit Save & Continue Statement of Purpose: Upload Personal Statement/ Cover letter Resume/CV: Upload Resume or Curriculum Vitae Other fields are not required Hit Save & Continue

12 Recommendation Letters
While completing other parts of your application, identify and contact at least two references who will provide a strong letter of recommendation for you. Recommenders should be the applicant’s current or former professors, or other individuals who can speak to an applicant’s academic talents, work ethic, and intellectual strengths. The online application will ask applicants to provide their references' names and addresses. The references will then be contacted via with instructions on how to electronically submit a letter of recommendation. This process can begin prior to submission of the application. You may also request to have your recommendation letters sent directly to Kristen Bergery to be uploaded manually to your application.

13 Check for Application Errors
The application system will show all incomplete fields. Please complete them fully and save. When Application is complete, click on top left “application for admission” then click submit application. You will be prompted to pay a $75 application fee before submission. If you have any questions regarding the application process please contact: Kristen Bergery

14 Important Notes: The application system will be down for maintenance on June 3-4, You will not be able to access your application during that time. You do not need to have all application materials uploaded to the system to submit for review. Address to send official transcripts: Please request two copies of your official documents. To be considered official documents need to remain UNOPENDED. The Graduate School, University of Maryland 2123 Lee Building Regents Drive College Park, MD USA Information regarding Transcripts and Diplomas Remember to Pay your fee and Submit your application. It can not be reviewed unless submitted. Please apply as soon as possible to ensure your admission decision is made in a timely manor.

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