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Key Concept 1 -Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Concept 1 -Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Concept 1 -Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures based in part on interactions with the environment and each other.

2 Before Contact Land bridge from Siberia to Alaska
Migrated Southward from Atlantic Circle Amerinidians: million people

3 Societies Small sedentary societies Authority Beliefs
Matrilineal and Matrilocal No personal ownership of land Authority Generosity was repaid with authority Chiefs elected based on being a good leader Beliefs Animism Believed animals have soul’s the same as humans

4 Native American Societies
Great Basin and Great Plains Few natural resources led to mobile/nomadic societies Hunted Bison in arid dry areas Pueblo eventually developed irrigation system to allow them to plant crops Northeast/Atlantic Seaboard Climate more conducive to farming Iroquois Confederacy helped organize a large group of tribes Traditional hunting for more stationary animals and fish Waterways allowed for trade

5 Native American Societies
Southeast-Mississippi River Valley Cherokee Sedentary with waterways Cahokia, Mound builders Pacific Northwest Sedentary societies Vast trade networks Intricate cultures (Potluck)

6 Maize Cultivation Incan and Mayan civilization agriculture systems primarily based on maize cultivation Transformed nomadic hunting groups into agricultural villagers Improved diets, culture, and trade Stable food source

7 European Contact Reasons for explorations Societal Factors
Cultural Movement influenced by the Renaissance Promoted Gold, Glory, and God Commerce Nationalism Catholicism Societal Factors Feudalism Primogeniture Aided by new technologies Sextant Caravel

8 Columbus Attempts to sail to India in 1492 The Columbian Exchange
Arrives at North America Conquers the local Indians by using smallpox Gave Natives gifts covered in diseases 100 years = 90% of Native Population gone The Columbian Exchange Exchange of plants, animals, food, and disease Between Old World and New World

9 Spanish Colonization Conquest of West Indies by Conquistadors
Hernan Cortes conquers the Aztec Impacts “Casta” System Mixed races Metis, Mestizo, Mulatto, Zambo Mita System Required Indian to give labor Mission System Catholic Church Forced Natives to build/work/convert Encomienda System

10 French Colonization Settled by young, single men
Good relations with Natives Focused on fur trade Jesuits Catholic missionaries sought to convert the Natives

11 Dutch Colonization Dutch East India Company
Fur trade, farming failed, used real estate New Netherland, New Amsterdam Had conflict with neighboring tribes

12 English/Results Defeated Spanish Armada Led to population growth
Economic superiority Joint Stock Companies provided investors to buy stock in a company in return for a share of its future profits Results Farms cultivated Firearms spread Alcohol/Tobacco Global Empires Capitalism Increased emigration

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