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Arlington County Civic Federation

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1 Arlington County Civic Federation
ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

2 Mission Statement The mission of the Arlington county civic federation is to empower citizens to improve their communities by mobilizing and coordinating the resources of government, business, nonprofits, the faith community, neighborhood leaders, and the citizens themselves. ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

3 Goals and Objectives Supporting Our Members
Standing Committee Structure The “Civic Voice” of Arlington County ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

4 Today’s Situation ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

5 How Did We Get Here? Thus it was in 1916 that six local civic associations in our County joined together to obtain better roads and improved schools. From this modest beginning emerged the Arlington County Civic Federation of today whose membership embraces practically every Arlington organization whose primary purpose is the civic improvement of our County. The actions of the Federation have been recognized repeatedly not only by local officials, but also by State and congressional leaders. ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

6 What Have We Done? Practically all the major improvements that Arlington residents enjoy today resulted from actions initiated or strongly supported by the Federation. Among them may be cited the County Manager form of government, county‑wide sewer and water systems, the systematic naming and numbering of our streets, the Central Post Office, master zoning ordinance, better schools, traffic management and a host of other measures that have made Arlington a model community. Most of the Federation's proposals have eventually been realized either through Federal or State law, local ordinance, or public policy. ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

7 Mission Areas Open and welcoming to all groups within Arlington County
Promote the general welfare of Arlington County in a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-sectional, and non-political manner. Reflects the wide array of interests and talents found in Arlington County Improving the quality of life in Arlington County Advocating improvements to the infrastructure of Arlington County Airing and discussing issues of concern to its member organizations. Sounding board for all citizens on matters of civic interest Represent the "grass roots" opinions of the ordinary citizens, regardless of political or partisan affiliation, on civic matters The “Civic Voice” of Arlington County ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

8 Civic Association Activities
Traffic Calming Neighborhood Conservation Planning for local parks Planning for local schools Local commercial site planning and use Home remodeling – invite local firms to talk Landscaping planning – find a landscape architect Gardening – a closely related topic Visit from local police and fire representatives An issues presentation by your Civic Federation! ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

9 Linkages from Civic Federation (CF) to Civic Association (CA)
Forum for bringing community concerns to the broader community (CF) Mechanism for providing educational forums for the broader community (CF - Budget, Bond Issues, Planning and Zoning, Delegates College, Parking Forum, Emergency Preparedness Forum) Inclusion of the various elements of Arlington at the "public" table (CF - especially outreach) Bringing the leadership to the members, and then to the broader community with an opportunity to raise issues and questions (CF - Candidates' Night, School Board, County Board, County Manager, State Delegation, Federal, Public Safety Officials, etc.) Mechanism for wide-spread community concerns/issues/suggestions to elected leadership (CF) Mechanism for helping local citizen groups organize, particularly at the Neighborhood level (CF) Mechanism for bringing issues to the greater community (CA to CF) Mechanism for bringing neighbors closer together in times of fun and need (CA) Mechanism for resolving internal concerns (CA) ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

10 ACCF Points of Contact ACCF President Patrick Smaldore – ACCF Vice President Jackie Snelling ACCF Executive Committee Chairman - Larry Mayer, ACCF - "The Civic Voice" 4/8/2019

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