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Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News December 10-19, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News December 10-19, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Smith’s First Grade News December 10-19, 2018
Reminders and Events Please send your child with a coat appropriate for the temperature. We will have outside recess whenever the weather allows. Please send your child with a snack each day. Our class Winter Party will be on December 19 from 12:30-1:30. All parents are invited. Jingle Bell Jam, Friday, Dec. 19 from 9-9:45 for K, 1 and 2. Send your child with Jingle Bells for this fun student event in the gym! Reading & Writing We are working on writing complete sentences by adding details. We have talked about using our neatest handwriting so that others can read our ideas. We are learning to apply capitals at the beginning of sentences, the word “I” and at the beginning of the months, days of the week and people’s names. We are working on finding the main idea in fiction and non-fiction by using pictures and text. We will have fun with gingerbread stories and activities over the next two weeks. Him o Social StudiesTheme: Economics We will begin our study of goods and services, jobs, spending and saving and making economic choices. This unit will continue after Winter Break. Math We are learning about magnitude and equality. We will continue to practice identifying place value in two and three digit numbers. We are reviewing addition and subtraction strategies. Please visit the school website information about the gifted referral process.

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