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Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania

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1 Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania
Chapter 20 Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania

2 Previous Timeline for context
Olmec Society – 100 B.C.E. Teotihuacan society B.C.E. – 750 C.E. Maya Society – 1100 C.E. Overview of societies

3 Toltec & Aztec Empires, 950-1520 C.E.
©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

4 The Toltecs Teotihuacan society collapses eighth century C.E.
Toltecs migrate from northwest Mexico, settle at Tula (near modern Mexico city) Maintained connection with Gulf coast societies, including the Maya The Toltec empire collapsed around 1175 C.E. because of internal civil strife and external nomadic incursions.

5 The Mexica (Aztec) One of several groups of nomadic migrants,
mid-thirteenth century C.E. Tradition of kidnapping women, seizing cultivated lands Settled ca C.E. in Tenochtitlan (later becomes Mexico City) Dredged soil from lake bottom to create fertile plots of land Chinampas, up to seven crops per year


7 The Mexica/Aztec Empire
Mexica develop tributary empire by fifteenth century They created a triple alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan to create Aztec empire

8 Mexica/Aztec Society Rigidly hierarchical structure with highest honors to military elite All males were potential warriors; successful warriors became ruling elite Women - emphasis on child-bearing Especially future soldiers Mothers of warriors especially lauded

9 Mexica/Aztec Society Priests Also counted among elite
Presided over ritual ceremonies and agricultural calendars crucial to continuation of the world Read omens, advised rulers, occasionally became rulers

10 Mexica/Aztec Society Bulk of Mexica population were commoners
Communal groups: calpulli Originally kin-based Management of communal lands Work obligation on aristocratic lands Slave class Debtors Children sold into slavery Criminals

11 Mexica/Aztec Gods Tezcatlipoca (“the Smoking Mirror”)
Powerful god of life and death Patron god of warriors Quetzalcóatl (“the Feathered Serpent”) Arts, crafts, agriculture

12 Mexica/Aztec Gods Tezcatlipoca (“the Smoking Mirror”)
Powerful god of life and death Patron god of warriors Quetzalcóatl (“the Feathered Serpent”) Arts, crafts, agriculture Huitzilopochtli Fourteenth-century popularity, patron of Mexica Emphasis on blood sacrifices

13 Ritual Bloodletting More emphasis on human sacrifice than predecessor cultures Ritual sacrifice necessary for the world’s survival Sacrificial victims had tips of fingers torn off before death, ritual wounds Victims: Mexica criminals, captured enemy soldiers

14 Mexica/Aztec Human Sacrifice

15 The Inca Empire, C.E.

16 The Inca Empire From valley of Cuzco
Settlement around Lake Titicaca mid-thirteenth century Ruler Pachacuti (r ) expands territory Modern Peru, parts of Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina Population 11.5 million

17 Pre-Columbian Inca Civilization

18 Inca Administration and Quipu
Incas ruled by holding hostages, colonization No writing; used system of cords and knots called quipu Mnemonic aid Quipu video

19 Inca Roads Massive road-building system
Two north-south roads, approximately 10,000 miles Mountain route Coastal route Paved, shaded, wide roads Courier and messenger services Limited long-distance trade, held by government monopoly

20 Inca Society and Religion
Social elites dominated by infallible king Claimed descent from the sun Worship of ancestors Remains preserved in mummified form Regularly consulted Sacrifices offered Paraded on festive occasions

21 Aristocrats, Priests, and Peasants
Aristocrats receive special privileges Earlobe spools as adornment Priestly class ascetic, celibate Peasants organized into community groups called ayllu Land, tools held communally Mandatory work details on land of aristocrats Public works

22 Inca Religion Inti sun god Viracocha creator god
Temples as pilgrimage sites Peasant sacrifices usually produce and animals (not humans)

23 Assignment Create a comparison chart between the social structures of the Mexica/Aztec and the Incas This is due tomorrow

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