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Look and say.

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Presentation on theme: "Look and say."— Presentation transcript:

1 Look and say

2 What does these signs mean? Let’s read.
Don’t play ball games. Don’t walk on the grass. Don’t run. Don’t swim. Don’t eat. Don’t pick the flowers.

3 Let's chant

4 Let's talk What is Mr. Bear doing? What is Miss Rabbit doing?
What is Mr. Monkey doing?

5 Look and say What are they doing? They are playing football.
They are eating and drinking.

6 Look and say What are they doing? They are dancing. They are swimming.

7 Look and say What are they doing? 2 1 4 3 5 6

8 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
South underground The Lis are going to South underground station. back

9 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
They are walking to the bus stop. back

10 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
They are going to North Country Park by bus. back

11 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
They are walking in North Country Park. back

12 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
They are in the country park. They are having a picnic. back

13 Look and say What are the Lis doing? back
They are putting their rubbish in the bin. back

14 Look and say What are they doing? 2 1 4 3 5 6

15 Read and match

16 Read the sentences The Lis are going to South underground station.
They are walking to the bus stop. They are going to North Country Park by bus. They are walking in North Country Park. They are in the country park. They are having a picnic. They are putting their rubbish in the bin.

17 The Lis are going to South underground station.
They are walking to the bus stop. They are going to North Country Park by bus. Are the Lis going to the South underground station? What are the Lis doing? Are they walking to the bus stop? What are they doing? Are they going to North Country Park by bus? What are they doing by bus?

18 They are walking in North Country Park.
They are in the country park. They are having a picnic in the park. Are they walking in the North Country Park? Where are they walking? Are they in the country park? Where are they? Are they having a picnic in the park? Where are they having a picnic?

19 The Lis are going to South underground station.
They are walking to the bus stop. They are going to North Country Park by bus. Are the Lis going to the South underground station? Where are they going? Are they walking in the country park? Where are they walking? Are they having a picnic in the park? Where are they having a picnic?

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