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What is Happening with Video in Higher Education?

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1 What is Happening with Video in Higher Education?
My name is Anton Bollen & I live in Berlin. Anton Bollen @antonbollen

2 I work for an American software company called TechSmith –
and we make a variety of products.

3 All our products, one way or the other and to various extends, allow users to capture what is displayed on their screen and output a videofile that can be watched and shared– and we‘ve doing this since 1998.

4 In that time, we have built relationships with a lot of educators in both Higher Ed as well as on the primary and secondary level and we have witnessed them use video to change the way they teach… In the US, in Europe and other countries. We learn from them, which helps us make better products, but we also try to enable them to be better teachers.

5 Video in Higher Education
Let‘s take a look. The use of video in higher education – what is happening.

6 What is happening right now?
Lecture Capture What is happening right now? A lot of Lecture capture. Sessions today & pre-conference yesterday. It‘s important – and we will see a lot more of it. Now that we record the lecture – that is not the end. Image:

7 Shorter, specialized video content
15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 45+ Minutes

8 Shorter, specialized video content
Knowledge Clips Knowledge Chunks Knowledge Nuggets Knowledge Pills, etc. 15 Minutes Consume, Find, Share, Apply, Reuse. Flexible – Prof: Piece together the pieces you need for your next lecture *Content not necessarily created in a lecture hall.

9 Using Video: Linguistics Marburg
I want to jump in with a real life example from a linguistics professor at the University of Marburg, Germany. About 3 years ago, he decided that simply lecturing wasn‘t the most effective way of teaching and so he inverted, or flipped, his classroom. He did that by pre-recording the materials as videos that are 15 minutes long, providing that content to the students to watch as homework, and he uses the classroom.

10 Benefits Better use of in-class time Practice pronounciation
Provide feedback Identify struggling students As he pointed out, by employing this flipped or inverted classroom model, he is able to make better use of the in class time and has more control over student success and failure. Other benefits: YouTube – linguistics community. Making a name for himself and unviersity

11 Create Videos anytime, anywhere.
Most of these short videos are not created at home.

12 Create Videos anytime, anywhere,
By anyone!

13 Better Quality Video Increasing demand for HQ Video : Students
Universities Professors Video becomes the norm. More demand.

14 Better Quality Video Example – talking head.

15 Better Quality Video As it becomes easier – professors are more likely to do it. Green screen.

16 Better Quality Video Real Example: Hochschule Weserbergland.,
CC: Hochschule Weserbergland

17 Summary I think we will see more short, specialized content that is potentially created anytime, anywhere, by anyone. This specialized content will be used for scenarios like the flipped classroom and to deliver the right information at the right time, and we will see a general increase in the quality of the content because it‘s getting easier and will help teachers and universities differentiate themselves from others.

18 Questions? Anton Bollen

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