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PSD Analysis CHY4U Unit 1.

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1 PSD Analysis CHY4U Unit 1

2 Position/Bias Can Be Implied By…

3 Or Explicitly Stated By…

4 Position/Bias Is Shaped By

5 Experiences Shape Bias/Position: Las Casas
Encomienda: Kingsborough Codex, Wikipedia, Sept. 30, 2013, (Oct. 1, 2013)., (Oct. 1, 2013).

6 Luther Christian Humanism His personal struggle to find God
His trip to Rome in 1510 where he saw Church corruption Creation of Adam; Sistine Chapel ceiling painted 1522 Latin copy of 95 Theses Wikipedia Commons, File:95Thesen.jpg, 2010, (Oct. 1, 2013). Jennie Cohen, 7 Things You May Not Know About the Sistine Chapel, History in the Headlines, Nov. 1, 2012, (Oct. 1, 2013).

7 Missionaries: Experiences at Home and Abroad
Ricci studied geography, cartography, astronomy, mathematics with scholars at the Roman College, including Clavius who specialized in Euclidian geometry Ricci in China 1602 map of the world made by Ricci shows China at the centre On this rare map, China is the center of the world, Minnesota Public Radio News, Jan. 12, 2010, (Oct. 1, 2013). Beyond Ricci: Rare Books from the Jesuitica Collection at Boston College,Translation of Euclidean Geometry into Chinese, 2013, (Oct. 1, 2013).

8 Peter the Great Russia’s position in the world Europe’s view of Russia
Peter’s upbringing and travels Westernization The cabin of Peter, first home in the new city of St. Petersburg, combines Dutch and Russian elements Dutch yachts sailing by Peter, 1697 Royal Museums Greenwich, Peter the Great, Review of Dutch Yachts Before Peter the Great, 1697, Abraham Storck, 2000, (Oct. 1, 2013)., The Cabin of Peter the Great, 2013, (Oct. 1, 2013).

9 Closure of Japan Tokugawa centralized feudalism
Popularity of Christianity Dutch only Europeans left: on Dejima island in Nagasaki Bay Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis and Anthony Esler, World History: Connections to Today (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001), 327. Beyond Ricci: Rare Books from the Jesuitica Collection at Boston College, Nagasaki, 2013, (Oct. 1, 2013).

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