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22 y.o. male These are images from a 22 y.o. who resurfaced in my office from 7 years ago. I originally treated him for a stable OCD with drilling and.

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Presentation on theme: "22 y.o. male These are images from a 22 y.o. who resurfaced in my office from 7 years ago. I originally treated him for a stable OCD with drilling and."— Presentation transcript:

1 22 y.o. male These are images from a 22 y.o. who resurfaced in my office from 7 years ago. I originally treated him for a stable OCD with drilling and fixation with chondral darts. After only 2 follow up visits he stopped showing up. He returns to see me because the military is requesting clearance for his knee.

2 22 y.o. male For the pat 7 years, he has had no pain, swelling or mechanical symptoms and states that his knee feels completely normal. Throughout high school, he has played football, wrestled and run track, all without difficulty. His prior studies are at the Children’s Hospital and not available.

3 22 y.o. male The current xrays are attached.
He certainly seems clinically healed. I doubt many of us would consider this radiographic healing. As we move forward with the healing study, this case illustrates the difficulty in defining healing.




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