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Extraversion vs. Introversion

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Presentation on theme: "Extraversion vs. Introversion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extraversion vs. Introversion
Sensing vs. Intuition Judging vs. Feeling Thinking vs. Perceiving

2 Find your type and select 1-3 careers that interest you.
ESTJ- "The Guardians" ESFJ- "The Caregivers" ESTP- "The Doers" ESFP- "The Performers" Military Home Economics Sales Representative Business Administrator Teacher Marketing Artist, Performer, Actor Manager Nurse Police/Detective Counselor/ Social Work Administrator Paramedic Interior Designer Judge Child Care Computer Technician Fashion Designer Family Physician Entrepreneur Consultant Financial Officer Clergy Athlete Photographer Sales Representativer Counselor/Social Work Accounting Admin. Assistant ENTJ- "The Executives" ENTP- "The Visionaries" ENFJ- "The Givers" ENFP- "The Inspirers" CEO, Organization Builder Lawyers Facilitator Psychologists Psychologist Computer Consultant Lawyer Social Worker/Counselor Actor Engineer Counselor Scientist Human Resources Politician/Diplomat University Professor Event Coordinator Writer/Journalist Computer Programmer Writer Artist

3 ISTJ- "The Duty Fulfillers"
ISFJ- "The Nurturers" ISTP- "The Mechanics" ISFP- "The Artists" Business Executive Interior Decorator Police/Detective Artist Accountant Designer Forensic Pathologist Musician/Composer Nurse Engineer Judge Administrator/Manager Carpenter Child Care/Early Childhood Lawyer Admin. Assistant Mechanic Social Worker/Counselor Doctor/Dentist Child Care/ Early Childhood Pilot/Driver/Motorcyclist Teacher Computer Programmer Social Work/Counselor Athlete Psychologist Military Leader Paralegal Entrepreneur Veterinarian Clergy Forest Ranger Home Economics Pediatrician Shop Keeper INTJ- "The Scientists" INTP- "The Thinkers" INFJ- "The Protectors" INFP- "The Idealists" Scientists Scientist Writer Engineers Photographer Counselor/Social Worker Professor/Teacher Strategic Planner Teacher/Professor Mathematician Health Care- Chiropractor Corporate Strategist University Professor Psychiatrist Business Administrator Musician Manager Technical Writer Military Musician/ Artist Forensic Research Forestry/ Park Ranger

4 Do you focus on the outer world or inner world?
Do you ask a lot of questions in class? Do you talk to other people a lot to get ideas? If so, you’re probably an Extravert. Do you prefer to think to yourself and then speak? If so, you’re probably an Introvert.

5 Do you focus on basic information, or do you interpret and add meaning?
How do you give someone directions to get somewhere? Map and street names- Sensing Landmarks- Intuition

6 When making decisions, do you look at facts and logic, or do you consider people and their special circumstances? Case: You are the human resources manager at a company. Your boss tells you that you have to lay off 3 people out of 10. There is a variety of employee age and experience ranges. How do you decide who to lay off?

7 Do you prefer to get things done, or keep your options open?
When working on a class group project, Judgers often initiate tasks to be completed as soon as possible. Perceivers often bring in new ideas throughout the entire process. How can both of these types work together?

8 Break into groups- Extravert and Introvert
Discussion: How does being an Extravert or Introvert effect your interactions with other people? How do you think it would effect you in your academic work at Redwood? What careers in your type represent your strengths as a person?

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