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Protecting Your Children

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Presentation on theme: "Protecting Your Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Protecting Your Children
What Parents Need To Know About Bullying Tracey D. Messinger, M.S. Ed. Introduction to the NYS DASA Legislation

2 Housekeeping

3 Definitions Bullying Harassment Discrimination Target or Victim
Bully or Perpetrator Advocate and Defender See hand out

4 What is Bullying? Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Cyber Bullying
Characteristics Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Cyber Bullying Emotional Bullying

5 Unspoken Form of Bullying
Sexual Bullying

6 Where Does Bullying Take Place?

7 DASA Legislation Dignity for All Students Act Legislation 2012
Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Amended 2013 Cyberbullying

8 Covered Groups: NYS (11) Code of Conduct Issues
Race Color Weight National Origin/Ethnicity Religion Religious Practice Disability Sexual Orientation Gender Gender Identity or Expression Sex Code of Conduct Issues Other acts of bullying not covered under protected groups Examples: poverty, being weird, different, tall, short, athletic, musical, etc.

9 Why Don’t Students Report Bullying?
Brainstorm list

10 What Prevents Reporting?

11 How to Report Report to school (who?) Say something Report to police

12 Helping Your Students Speak up Filter—Is it true? Post less
Don’t over share Practice Develop coping skills Expectations and limits Work with school

13 Resources for Helping Students
See list of resources for parents online, brain storm additional resources

14 Questions Questions not answered?


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