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Ectomesenchymal odontogenic tumors

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1 Ectomesenchymal odontogenic tumors

2 Odontogenic fibroma

3 Odontogenic fibroma Defenition :-
A fibroblastic odontogenic neoplasm containig varying amount of apparently inactive odontogenic epithelium .

4 Odontogenic fibroma Classification :- A) Intra osseous Who type
Simple type Granular cell type (now known as granular odontogenic tumor) B) Extra osseous (peripheral)

5 Odontogenic fibroma Clinical feature :- -Age: wide range years mean age 40 -sex :female :male 2.2:1 -site common in mandible 55%posterior area 45% in anterior area . Maxilla anterior to first molar -associated with un erupted tooth


7 Odontogenic fibroma X –ray -unilocular radiolucency (small lesion ) -multilocular radiolucency (large lesion ) -foci of classification (12%)


9 Odontogenic fibroma Histopathology :- -simple type :- Fibro blast arrange in whorls fine collagen fine fibrils Odontogenic epithelium may or may not present


11 Odontogenic fibroma Who type :-
More cellular fibrous connective tissue with collagen fibers arrange in interlacing bundles, long strands of inactive odontogenic epithelium ,calcifications .


13 Odontogenic fibroma Treatment :- Vigorous curettage .

14 Benign cementoblastoma

15 Benign cementoblastoma
Defenition :- A benign ectomesenchymal odontogenic neoplasm that characterized by formation of sheets of cementum like tissue containing a large number of reversal lines.

16 Benign cementoblastoma
Clinical features :- -it’s rare neoplasm . -site :- mandible premolar and molar area specially the first molar 50% . -it’s closely related to and fuse to the root of single tooth . -the involved tooth is vital . -sex :- male predilection .

17 Benign cementoblastoma
X –ray :- - Radio opacity surround by radiolucent rim . - Fuse to the root .

18 Benign cementoblastoma
Differential diagnosis (radiographically):- -focal sclerosing osteomylitis :-but it’s associated with non vital tooth it’s not surronded by radio lucent rim . And it ;s not fused to the root in focal sclerosing osteomylitis . -cemento-osseous dysplasias . -osteoma -osteoblastoma. - Osteoid osteoma.

19 Benign cementoblastoma
Histopathology :- -sheets of cementum like tissue containing a large number of reversal lines . -the peripheral part is un mineralized forming radiating columns .


21 Benign cementoblastoma
Treatment :- -surgical removal of mass together with the involved tooth . -surgical endodontic .

22 Odontogenic myxoma

23 Odontogenic myxoma Defenition It’s a slowly growing locally invasive ectomesenchymal odontogenic tumor Origin It arise from fibroblast or myofibroblast of : 1- dental follicle 2-periodontal ligament

24 Odontogenic myxoma Clinical feature :- Relative frequency :- the second most common tumor after ameloblastoma It’s slowly growing locally invasive that may be associated with un erupted tooth or displaced and resorbed roots Site :-mandible posterior area Age :-mean age is years Sex no , or female predilection In Sudan it’s found more in male

25 Odontogenic myxoma X-ray :-
multilocular radiolucency soap bubble appearance Displacement and resorption of adjacent root . Gross morphology :- Gelatinous mass .


27 Odontogenic myxoma Histopathology :- Stellate or spindle shape cells have fibrillar processes lying in mucoid stroma , which contain : -hyaluronic acid and chondritin sulfate -Variable amount of collagen and dense collagen -scattered in active island of odontogenic epithelium .


29 Odontogenic myxoma Differential diagnosis (histopathologically) :-
Non odontogenic myxoma (affect long bone it’s histology similar to odontogenic myxoma but has no inactive odonto genic epithelium ) . Myxoid variant of neurofibroma . Chondro-myxoid fibroma .

30 Odontogenic myxoma Treatment : Curettge for small lesions .
Surgical excision for large and maxillary lesions . Reccurance rate 25%

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