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Putting Yourself Out There

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Yourself Out There"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Yourself Out There
Allison Smith, Elizabeth Croft, Madison Shaw, Kelly Cravener, Annette Moore Rho Phi Lambda Honor Society, NC State University NCRPA Conference ~ Wilmington, NC ~ September 21, 2014 Nury to welcome everyone to the session and provide session overview. ~ we will have hands on activities with resumes and with interviewing / elevator speeches. Will we take a few minutes for participants to ask questions / share ideas and resources as we move through each of the 3 objectives? or wait till the end? Where will business cards fit in?

2 Session Overview: Introductions Resumes Interviewing Online Presence
Wrap Up ~ with applications throughout! Nury to overview session

3 Introductions . Nury to Lead ~ 10 mins: introduction.
~ Leadership Team: Each of us introduces ourselves: Name, hometown, major / concentration, anticipated graduation date, professional aspirations. ~ Participants: where are the participants from / universities: NC Central, NC A+T, ECU, App State, UNC-G, UNC-W, NCSU… others? transition - who has had internships before - do/don't in a resume.

4 Resumes What makes a good resume? Madison to lead:
15 mins: learning outcome = all about resumes (Allison said : I have a couple power points with some info). Emphasize: Best stuff first, past tense, action words, truth in advertising! ~ See if you can get samples of before / after resumes ~ Check NCSU Career Development Center website for good info!

5 Objective To get a challenging job as a Customer Service Manager so that I can learn more and excel in my career. Education B.A. with a major in Communications and a minor in Spanish, University of California, Two Ville, California; GPA 3.6; President of Spanish Club in 1998 Experience Green Clothiers of Northern California, Two Ville, CA Customer Service Manager • 5/23/ Present • Recruited, trained and managed 15-member team • Ensured continuous delivery of outstanding customer service • Redesigned, developed and implemented employee training program which increased sales revenues • Assisted customers when and where needed Fine Sports Wear International, Two Ville, CA Customer Service Manager • 3/2/ /13/2003 • Recruited, trained and managed 35-member team • Designed, developed and implemented employee training program which increased sales revenues • Exceeded annual goals in key metrics including profit, sales, employee retention and customer service Customer Service Representative • 7/12/ /29/2003 • Assisted with customer sales of women’s and children’s sportswear • Awarded Salesperson of the Year in 1999 and 2002 for exceeding set sales productivity • Trained 14 new representatives functioning as lead trainer, providing ongoing guidance and constructive feedback • Achieved lowest returns percentage than all other coworkers Hobbies Skiing, hiking, cooking, Karate, playing with my two cats and shopping!

6 Resume Do’s Black, legible font Balanced Good use of white space
Consistent format Reverse chronology

7 Resume Do’s Positive, past tense action words
EX: accomplished, budgeted, connected, communicated, developed, drafted, contributed “Responsible for campers” becomes “coordinated activities and field trips for school-aged children”

8 Resume Do’s Logical order Heading Education Work experience
Related experience Honors/certifications (optional) Community service (optional) References

9 Resume Don’ts Attach/include photo Personal info Use personal pronouns
Religious and political affiliations Controversial groups (ex: NRA) Include HS information

10 Resume Peer Review Find a partner Exchange resumes
REVIEW! (Give each other constructive criticism using what we have discussed) Nury to lead: 10 mins: switch resumes between participants. discuss what could make their resume better. (print off more resumes in case people didn't bring theirs) Nury will send Annette links of examples of resumes for Annette to print out and bring.~ I printed about 12 resumes. I’d say just ask if people need, rather than having it on power point slide. Nury will bring group back together and wrap up this segment before passing along to Allison.

11 Interviews / Professional Interactions
How many have had any sort of interview? Was this a good experience, or not? Do you think it would have gone better if you would have had some interview tips before? Allison to lead 10 mins: learning outcome #2 = all about interviews. do/don't do in an interview.

12 Interviews, Professional Interactions
The key to successful interview is preparation. The interviewer wants to know you have the appropriate skills. In this field, knowing the information is important, but related experience can help you land a job.

13 Interviews, Professional Interactions
Have answers prepared to common interview questions. Tell us about yourself. Why would you be a good fit for this job? What would you bring to our company/organization? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? Be prepared to ask them questions. Who will I be working under? What is the office environment like? What are the housing arrangements for interns? What is growth potential? Remember ~ interviewers are well acquainted with the position. they are trying to figure out if you would be effective in the position, and a good fit for their team...

14 Interviews, Professional Interactions
Learn the company Show the interviewer that you are passionate about the company. Know the Front Office/Executive Office staff, when the organization started, and what their values are. Interviews, Professional Interactions

15 Interview Do’s Firm handshake Eye contact Proper posture
Appropriate dress (understand your company) Be confident

16 Interview Don’ts Look down the entire time Be late Be negative
Bring someone along with you Talk about competitors

17 Post Interview Send a handwritten thank you note
Thank interviewer for their time Emphasis again your interest in the company Don’t be too wordy - keep it short and sweet

18 Speed Introductions According to Forbes, an “elevator speech” is a second persuasive speech that explains “who you are, what you do, and why you’d be the perfect candidate.” This speech is meant to make you stand out over other applicants. Allison to lead: Maybe add handshakes and introducing oneself & business cards Give directions as to what should be included in our 1 minute introduction of ourselves. ~ We should be ready to give our pitches! 15 mins: elevator speech activity. break into groups of two and each spend 1 min sharing their elevator speech. switch groups after a couple of minutes. Madison to be time keeper!

19 Speed Introductions Grab a partner and share: Who you are
What you’ve accomplished Where you hope to be professionally

20 Your Online Presence Social Media Privacy settings on Facebook
Using Twitter to your advantage LinkedIn. What is it? Elizabeth to Lead: 10 mins: learning outcome #3 - Linkedin (how to format, who to connect with, "staying sane on social media) - since no activity for this, we could challenge them to connect with 3 new professionals on linkedin and clean up their social media sites. Show examples

21 LinkedIn Networking capabilities
Ability to share resume with wider group Follow companies Share ideas and articles Elizabeth to Lead: 10 mins: learning outcome #3 - Linkedin (how to format, who to connect with, "staying sane on social media) - since no activity for this, we could challenge them to connect with 3 new professionals on linkedin and clean up their social media sites. Show examples

22 Google Google yourself!
Companies are likely to do the same and it helps to know what is out there being said about you Elizabeth to Lead: 10 mins: learning outcome #3 - Linkedin (how to format, who to connect with, "staying sane on social media) - since no activity for this, we could challenge them to connect with 3 new professionals on linkedin and clean up their social media sites. Show examples

23 ePortfolio Think about using websites such as WordPress to start getting a positive web presence Place where you can put resume and other pertinent skills and certifications Elizabeth to Lead: 10 mins: learning outcome #3 - Linkedin (how to format, who to connect with, "staying sane on social media) - since no activity for this, we could challenge them to connect with 3 new professionals on linkedin and clean up their social media sites. Show examples

24 Wrap-Up You’ve got the tools ~ make them your own!
Please share 1 take-away from today’s session on a sticky note 5 mins: conclusion. Last few minutes: leave them with a funny "bad interview" video. There are many of these on youtube. ~ This is a pretty “safe” one: The one you showed us was funny… but I wouldn’t show the whole way through… just the first seconds.

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