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Lactation Accommodation Policy Training

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Presentation on theme: "Lactation Accommodation Policy Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lactation Accommodation Policy Training
[Insert Organization’s Logo] 4/8/2019 [Insert Name of Organization] Presenter’s Name © 2013 Santa Clara County Public Health Department The Public Health Department is owned and operated by the County of Santa Clara

2 Why Breastfeeding and lactation accommodations?

3 Breastfeeding Benefits - Babies
Reduced Risk Obesity Diabetes Asthma Ear Infections GI Tract Infections Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Respiratory Tract Infections 4/8/2019

4 Breastfeeding Benefits - Mothers
Reduced Risk: Breast Cancer Ovarian Cancer Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease 4/8/2019

5 Breastfeeding Benefits – Employers
Lower healthcare costs Improved employee morale Greater company loyalty Increased productivity Reduced absenteeism Lower employee turnover 4/8/2019

6 American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations
“… exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for one year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant.” American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement, Breastfeeding and Human Milk, Pediatrics, 2012 March 129(3): e827-e841. 4/8/2019

7 It’s the Law Employers must provide a reasonable amount of break time and private location to express breast milk Section 4702 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Section of the California Labor Code 4/8/2019

8 It’s the Law A mother may breastfeed her child in any location, public or private, where the mother and child are otherwise authorized to be present Section 43.3 of the California Civil Code 4/8/2019

9 [Insert Name of Organization] lactation accommodation policy

10 Break Time Employed mothers need time to
Travel to and from lactation accommodation location Remove milk Store milk Clean up 4/8/2019

11 Break Time Reasonable break time Can use existing breaks
Additional unpaid breaks Flexible work schedule Personal leave, vacation time, sick leave, comp time 4/8/2019

12 Space Close proximity Private Clean and comfortable Electrical outlet
Comfortable seating Table or other flat surface Near a sink with running water 4/8/2019

13 Example Table Electrical Outlet Comfortable Seating
Lactation Room at 1400 Parkmoor Ave 4/8/2019

14 Examples 4/8/2019

15 Not a restroom or toilet stall!
Space Not a restroom or toilet stall! 4/8/2019

16 Non-Traditional Worksites
Department and supervisor will work with employee to create a mutually acceptable solution 4/8/2019

17 Storage Hygienic and secure location Designated refrigerator
for breast milk Shared employee refrigerator Area to store personal cooler 4/8/2019

18 Atmosphere of Tolerance
Breastfeeding and lactation are promoted No discrimination or harassment of breastfeeding employees No conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment 4/8/2019

19 Santa Clara County Mother Friendly Employer

20 For More Information [Insert information on who at the organization can be contacted for additional information regarding the lactation accommodation policy. ] 4/8/2019


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