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Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

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1 Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Presentation to The Electric Restructuring Roundtable By David O’Connor Commissioner Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources May 21, 2004

2 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
A cooperative effort by Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states Seeks to reduce carbon dioxide emissions while maintaining affordability and reliability of electricity Initial focus is the implementation of a multi-state cap-and-trade program for emissions from power generation After initial phase is implemented, the states will consider developing programs for other sources.

3 Participation Participants: ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE & District of Columbia Observers: MD, PA, New Brunswick, Quebec & Eastern Canadian Premiers Stakeholder Group Resource Panel

4 Stakeholder Group Electric generators Electric distribution companies
Energy efficiency advocates Renewable energy developers Industrial & Commercial energy users Consumer interest organizations Environmental organizations

5 Resource Panel ISOs: New England, New York, PJM
Research organizations: WRI, Pew, RFF Emissions traders: Natsource Energy assistance: Regulatory Assistance Project Environmental assistance: NESCAUM

6 Program Design Principles
Model mechanics on other successful cap and trade programs Seek uniformity across states to facilitate inter-state trading of allowances Be expandable and flexible, permitting other states to join in Avoid interference with other emission trading programs and initiatives

7 Potential Applicability
For initial phase, focus is on electricity generating units larger than 25 MW Over 95% of GHG emissions come from units larger than 25MW Units have better historical data than smaller units Second phase will consider applicability to: Electric generators smaller than 25MW Municipal solid waste combustors Biomass-fired units Large industrial boilers

8 Economic Modeling Model the impacts over a 12 state region with individual inputs for 53 sectors in each state Estimate contributions from energy efficiency and renewable energy Outputs will include predicted impacts on personal income, gross state product, employment, imports, industrial sector consumption/production Estimate corollary benefits for public health

9 Scenarios to be Modeled
Benchmark and Reference Case Cap Levels and Trading Rules Policy, Structure, and Flexibility Options Model Rule Scenario

10 Quantifiable Impacts Other emissions Electricity prices
Carbon emissions Other emissions Electricity prices Total electricity system costs Fuel use and diversity Reliability Imports and exports of electricity

11 Key Issues What factors to consider in setting cap levels to model and, ultimately, to recommend? What assumptions should be used to model benchmark scenario and reference scenario? Should reductions from sources not covered by the cap qualify for credit? If so, what sources?

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