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Assessment :Outline how the main methods of punishment have changed from c.500 to the present day. [16] [In your answer you should provide a written narrative.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment :Outline how the main methods of punishment have changed from c.500 to the present day. [16] [In your answer you should provide a written narrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment :Outline how the main methods of punishment have changed from c.500 to the present day. [16] [In your answer you should provide a written narrative discussing the main methods of punishment across three historical eras.] Marks for spelling, punctuation and the accurate use of grammar and specialist terms are allocated to this question. [4] Discuss changing punishment in the following historical eras: Medieval Times Early Modern Times (Tudor/ Stuart/ Industrial Revolution) Modern Times – 20th/21st Century

2 How did punishment change overtime?
whipping Fines Hanging in public banishment Community service Probation Electronic tagging beheading Prison (silent/ separate system) Debtors’ prison (Bridewell) Hanging in private End of death penalty Hung, drawn and quartered Transportation Stocks/ pillory/ public humiliation

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