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Neutron Decay Electroweak Radiative Corrections Preliminary Update

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1 Neutron Decay Electroweak Radiative Corrections Preliminary Update
(Implications for the neutron lifetime puzzle) Czarnecki, WJM & A. Sirlin Response to Dispersion Relations Results Seng, Gorchtein, Patel & Ramsey-Musolf PRL Hardy Fest 2019 William J. Marciano January 7, 2019

2 John Hardy Celebration
More than 50 years of Research and Leadership Distinguished Professor Famous Collaboration with Ian Towner Experimentalist + Theorist Combo Champions of Superallowed Beta Decays Many Honors: Bonner Prize etc. Authority on Vud = (21) (2018 PDG) Will it Survive? “I come to praise Caesar, not to bury him”

3 Beta decay npeν Wγ Box Seng, Gorchtein, Patel & Ramsey-Musolf Dispersion Relations come to beta decay Congratulations: Major Development ΔRV= (38)  (22) Vud= (21)  (15) lasting?

4 Seng, Gorchtein, Patel & Ramsey–Musolf PRL (2018)
“Reduced Hadronic Uncertainties in the determination of Vud” Radiative Corrections: Axial Induced part via Dispersion Relation. Claim our RC= (38)  (22) |Vud|= (21)  (14) |Vud|2+|Vus|2 =0.9994(4)(2)0.9984(3)(2) 4 sigma deviation from unitarity

5 Work in Progress with A. Czarnecki & A. Sirlin
Radiative Corrections to Neutron Decay Preliminary Unsanctioned Update MS(2006) SGPR-M(2018) CMS(2019) RC = 3.89(4)% (2)% (3)% Vud = (21) (14) (18) ( )* ( )* *Seng, Gorchtein, Ramsey-Musolf Nuclear Quenching My Guess Vud= (13), n = 878.2(7)sec Based on Vus via Kμ2/πμ2 (very clean theory)

6 Electroweak Radiative Corrections to Neutron Beta Decay
Include Virtual Corrections + Inclusive Bremsstrahlung Normalize using G from the muon lifetime Absorbs Ultraviolet Divergences & some finite parts 1/n= fG2|Vud|2me5(1+3gA2)(1+RC)/23 f=1.6887(1) (Includes Fermi Function etc. not Rad. Corr.) RC calculated for (Conserved) Vector Current. Same RC used to define gA: [A(gA)=(1.001)Aexp] RC=/2[<g(Em)>+3ln(mZ/mp)+ln(mZ/mA)+2C+AQCD] + higher order O(/)2 g(Ee)=Universal Sirlin Function from Vector Current A. Sirlin, PRD 164, 1767 (1967).

7 Next to leading short distance logs ~ -0.0001,
/2 <g(Em= MeV)>= long distance loops and brem. averaged over the decay spectrum. Independent of Strong Int. up to O(Ee/mP) g(Ee) also applies to Nuclei A. Sirlin (1967) Uncertainty < 10-5 3/2ln(mZ/mp) short-distance (Vector) log not renormalized by strong int. [/2[ln(mZ/mA)+2C+AQCD] Induced by axial-current loop Includes hadronic uncertainty mA=1.2GeV long/short distance matching scale (factor 2 mA unc.) C=0.8gA(N+P)=0.891 (long distance W Box diagram) WJM&A.Sirlin(1986) AQCD= -s/(ln(mZ/mA)+cons)= QCD Correction [/ln(mZ/m)]n leading logs summed via renormalization group, ( ) Next to leading short distance logs ~ , and -2ln(mp/me)= estimated (for neutron decay) Czarnecki, WJM, Sirlin (2004) 1+RC=1.0390(8) main unc. from mA matching short and long distance W (VA) Box. Unc*. ±8x10-4 vs future (±0.1sec goal) n ±1.1x10-4 goal. * Note, unc. cancels in neutron vs nuclear beta decays eg Vud

8 The Infamous W Box Diagram

9 2006 Improvement WJM & A. Sirlin
1.) Use large NQCD Interpolator to connect long-short distances 3 Resonances & 3 Matching Conditions 2.) Relate neutron beta decay to Bjorken Sum Rule (NF=3) 1-s/ 1-s(Q2)/-3.583(s(Q2)/) (s(Q2)/)3 The extra QCD corrections lead to a matching between short and long distance Born corrections at about Q2=(0.8GeV)2 Very little change in size of RC, but uncertainties reduced by a factor of 2.! (Both Prescriptions Agree) 1+RC= (8) (39) for Neutron Beta Decay Reduction by 1.4x10-4 (Same for 0+0+ beta decays) .

10 RC Error Budget 1) Neglected Two Loop Effects: 0.0001 conservative
2) Long Distance /C~/ (0.75gA(N+P))=0.0020 Assumed Uncertainty 10% reasonable? 3) Long-Short Distance Loop Matching: 0.8GeV<Q<1.5GeV 100%   conservative? Total RC Error  Vud=± More Aggressive Analysis Vud=± (1/2 conservative)  only about 2xn goal of ±0.1sec. (well matched)

11 M&S2006(xα/π) S,G.P&R-M2018(xα/π)
Dispersion Relation Approach to Box Diagram Seng, Gorchtein, Patel & Ramsey-Musolf PRL M&S2006(xα/π) S,G.P&R-M2018(xα/π) Perturbation Born (8) (5) Interpolator (14) (7) Total (16) (9) 1+RC (38) (22) Universal RC (38) (22)

12 From: S,G,P,R-M

13 2019 Update Czarnecki, WJM & Sirlin
1.) Relate neutron beta decay to Bjorken Sum Rule (NF=3) 1-s/ 1-s(Q2)/-3.583(s(Q2)/) (s(Q2)/)3 (s(Q2)/)4 (Baikov,Chetyrkin,Kuhn) 4 loops! = 1 - αBj(Q2)/π physical coupling perturbative F(Q2) = 1/Q2( 1-Bj(Q2)/) for Q2>Q20 =1.125GeV2 non-perturbative Light Front Holography (LFH) Bj(Q2)/ =exp(-Q2/Q20) Q2≤Q20 Bj(0)/ = 1 AdS F(0)=1/Q20 =0.89GeV-2 The extra QCD correction leads to a matching between short and long distance couplings at about Q2=1.125GeV2

14 Running QCD Coupling from Bj sum rule data Brodsky, Duer et al.

15 Running QCD Bj coupling

16 γW Box RC: Bj Function Approach 1
Q2 Domain Integral (xα/π) 0<Q2<Q New Effect Q20<Q2<2.25GeV 2.25GeV2<Q2<∞ ZW Box Born Σ not Q0 sensitive Midway Total (New) DR (2018) MS (2006)

17 From: S,G,P,R-M

18 Integrand: Bj Function (red) vs DR(blue)

19 2. Large Nc QCD Approach (new)
Infinite sum of Vector and Axial-Vector Resonances Use 3 Resonances + 3 Matching Conditions F(Q2) = __ A__ B C____ Q2+m2ρ Q2+m2A Q2+m2ρ’ mρ =0.776GeV mA =1.230GeV mρ’ =1.465GeV 1. Integral m2c- ∞ equals Bj Function Integral 2. No 1/Q4 terms in large Q2 limit 3. F(0) =3/4gA(κ2n/mn2-κ2p/mp2) GDH Sum Rule ≈ 0.30GeV (1/Nc0 large Nc limit)?

20 3 Resonance Solution for F(0)=0.3GeV-2
B = C = Integral 0 –m2c=0.23α/π Total =2.98α/π (close to 2006) Average of 2 Approaches=3.02α/π DR=3.26α/π

21 Update Summary and Implications
DR: 1 + RC= (38)  (22) “New Physics” Hint or something else? CMS Preliminary Update Based on 4 loop Bj Function & Q2 integration to 0 Bj function F(0)=0.89GeV-2 1+RC = (30) Large N 3 Resonances F(0)=0.30GeV-2 1+RC= (30) Average (30) Vud=0.9740(11)(15)

22 1. Difference with CMS only ~ 0.05%
Comments on DR Results 1. Difference with CMS only ~ 0.05% 2. Is ZW Box included? Added 0.01% 3. Validity of GLS sum rule low Q2 data 4. Possible Double Counting? 5. Born Uncertainty? Alternative Issues with Bj & Interpolator? Try method elsewhere More complicated low Q2 behavior


24 Fornal-Grinstein Solution BR(ndark particles) ~ 1%
BR(npeν)=0.9999(7) (gA ) Total exotic n decay BR < 0.27% at 95%CL For Fornal-Grinstein Solution to be valid, post 2002 gA asymmetry values from PERKEOII and UCNA must be wrong (significant tension) PerkeoIII BR(n”new physics”) < 0.10% 95%CL

25 Recent gA =1.2764(6) Perkeo III Result
Post 2002 gAave=1.2762(5)  n = 878.2(7)s Neutron Lifetime Problem nbeam =888.0(2.0)s ntrap=879.4(6)s Could Both Be Right? ntrap (ave)=879.4(6) good agreement BR(any exotic n decay)< 0.10% (95% C.L.) Requires “Creative” Theorists

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