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OUTLINE Questions? Quiz Results Ballot Results Go over homework

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1 OUTLINE Questions? Quiz Results Ballot Results Go over homework Class Exercise Monte Hall Chapter 6 Risk and Return on investment

2 Quiz Results

3 Ballot Results

4 Determine Shipments (xij) to maximize profit on one item
There are two manufacturing/distribution centers (MDi) with unit costs $2.50 and $2.75 respectively and at x,y locations (200,400) and (500,600), supplying 3 markets (Mj) located at (300,300), (500,700) and (900,900). The demand Dj in each market is a function of Price (Pj) and is determined by the equation Aj -ln(Pj)Cj/Bj, where the coefficients are : Shipping cost per mile $0.01 Maximum Price due to competition $10

5 Monte Hall Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door.

6 Monte Hall and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens a door, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick another door, that is, change your original choice?"

7 Discounted Cash Flow Money earned in the future is worth less today
Present Value = Future Value /( 1 + interest rate/period)^ # of periods Example1: I lend someone $1000 for two years at 4% interest, compounded annually. How much do they have to pay me back two years from now? F = P(1+I)^n = 1000(1+.04)^2 = $ Example2: A company will make a $5000 profit 3 years from now. How much should they invest now to break even at a 10% Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR)? P = F/(1+I)^n = 5000/(1+.1)^3 = $

8 Expected Value and Utility
Probability x payoff

9 What is a tree diagram? Describes all possibilities of a sequence of events and associated probabilities

10 Using simulation instead of a tree diagram

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