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Role of the Social Worker

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Presentation on theme: "Role of the Social Worker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of the Social Worker

2 STEP Assignments; Family Conferences; 1:1 & groups. Explaining the meaning and purpose of the 12 Step programme.

3 STEP 2 : Encouraging attendance at G.A. and GAM. ANON.
Asking for help. Higher Power Connect with others. Social supports Introduce to others in Recovery – non- gambling peers. (Social)

4 STEP 3 : Motivational enhancement.
Making a decision: What have I to gain V. What have I to lose? Following guidance from others who are making a similar journey in recovery, and seeking inner guidance. Plan daily / weekly schedule.

5 STEP 4 : The process of self examination/ self discovery.
Write Life Story. (fears, resentments, sex, secrets) This brings up blocked emotions that will begin to be released, and re-framed. (psycho)

6 STEP 5 : Sharing their life story ;
a healing process. Taking responsibility for their mistakes.

7 STEP 6/7 : Transforming defective
Thinking, Feeling, Behaviour. Integrating the Shadow, and Ego-dominated self. Identifying strengths and weaknesses. (Psychological)

8 STEP 8/9 : Restoring Right Relationships
Begin with family. Helping them to make Amends. Deciding when and how. Financial matters/ Budgeting/ Legal issues They need direction. To move from isolation to involvement (Social)

9 STEP 10 : Explain to them the value
of a daily check-up. Show them how to do it.

10 STEP 11 : Encouraging ‘Time-Out’,
Meditation, Relaxation. Connect; ask Guidance (spiritual)

11 STEP 12 : The value of Service;
going beyond self; reaching out to others. Carry the Message

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