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Muscular System 2014 JEOPARDY!! 

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System 2014 JEOPARDY!! "— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System 2014 JEOPARDY!! 
Intro to the Muscular System Skeletal Muscle Features Muscle Performance Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components Potpourri 10 20 30 40 50

2 10 Intro to the Muscular System
Sphincters made of smooth muscle fulfill what function of the muscular system in our bodies?

3 Guarding entrances and exits
10 Intro to the Muscular System Guarding entrances and exits

4 20 Intro to the Muscular System
When contraction occurs, energy is used and converted to heat. What function of the muscular system is this associated with?

5 *Maintaining body temperature (homeostasis)
20 Intro to the Muscular System *Maintaining body temperature (homeostasis)

6 The layer of connective tissue that covers the entire muscle is…
30 Intro to the Muscular System The layer of connective tissue that covers the entire muscle is…

7 30 Intro to the Muscular System

8 30 Community 1

9 40 Intro to the Muscular System
The layer of connective tissue that divides the muscle into bundles called fascicles?

10 40 Intro to the Muscular System

11 Layer of connective tissue that covers each muscle fiber (cell)?
50 Intro to the Muscular System Layer of connective tissue that covers each muscle fiber (cell)?

12 Intro to the Muscular System
50 Intro to the Muscular System *Endomysium

13 Bundles that make up skeletal muscle are called?
10 Skeletal Muscle Features Bundles that make up skeletal muscle are called?

14 Skeletal Muscle Features
10 Skeletal Muscle Features *Fascicles

15 Skeletal Muscle Features
20 Skeletal Muscle Features What is the sarcolemma?

16 The muscle fiber plasma membrane
20 Skeletal Muscle Features The muscle fiber plasma membrane

17 Skeletal Muscle Features
30 Skeletal Muscle Features Tubes that form from the sarcolemma that allow for electrical stimuli to reach deep into each fiber are called?

18 *Transverse tubules (T tubules)
30 Skeletal Muscle Features *Transverse tubules (T tubules)

19 Skeletal Muscle Features
40 Skeletal Muscle Features A long, filamentous organelle found within muscle cells that has a banded appearance is called a

20 Skeletal Muscle Features
40 Skeletal Muscle Features *Myofibril

21 Skeletal Muscle Features
50 Skeletal Muscle Features

22 Skeletal Muscle Features
50 Skeletal Muscle Features A. T tubules C. Sarcoplasmic reticulum E.Sarcolemma F. Mitochondria G. Thick filament H. Thin filament I. Myofilaments J. Myofibril © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

23 10 Muscle Performance *What are the two keys to muscle performance?

24 1. Types of fibers in muscle 2. Physical conditioning or training
10 Muscle Performance 1. Types of fibers in muscle 2. Physical conditioning or training

25 20 Muscle Performance . *Majority of muscle fibers in the body
*Large in diameter *Large glycogen reserves *Few mitochondria *Rely on glycolysis *Rapidly fatigued These characteristics describe…

26 20 Muscle Performance Fast fibers

27 30 Muscle Performance *About ½ the diameter of, and 3X slower than, fast fibers *Fatigue resistant because: -oxygen supply is greater due to more perfusion -myoglobin stores oxygen in the fibers -oxygen use is efficient due to large numbers of mitochondria These characteristics describe…

28 30 Muscle Performance Slow fibers

29 What would be an example of an anaerobic physical conditioning?
40 Muscle Performance What would be an example of an anaerobic physical conditioning?

30 40 Muscle Performance *50 yard dash or swim *weight lifting

31 What would be an example of an aerobic physical conditioning?
50 Muscle Performance What would be an example of an aerobic physical conditioning?

32 50 Muscle Performance 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 Jogging, long distance running or swimming

33 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
10 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components Skeletal muscle fibers differ from "typical cells" in that these muscle fibers are?

34 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
10 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components multinucleated

35 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
20 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components *Nonstriated, involuntary muscle *Found in the walls of most organs *Have a single-nucleus

36 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
20 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components *Smooth Muscle

37 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
30 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components *Muscle that is striated and branched *Consists of intercalated discs. *Has one nucleus

38 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
30 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components Cardiac muscle

39 Figure 7-11a An Overview of the Major Skeletal Muscles.
40 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components Frontalis Temporalis Masseter Latissimus dorsi External oblique Rectus abdominis Extensor carpi radialis Gluteus medius Gluteus medius Adductor longus Gracilis Sartorius Vastus medialis Vastus medialis Fibularis Gastrocnemius Soles Anterior view © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

40 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
40 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components 1.Temporalis 2.Orbicularis oculi 3.Zygomaticus 4.Orbicular oris 5.Pectoralis major 6.Deltoid 7.Biceps brachii 8.Rectus abdominis 9.Transverse abdominis 10.Adductor group 11.Gracilis 12.Sartorius 13.Tibialis anterior 14.Frontalis 15.Masseter 16.Sternocleidomastoid 17.External oblique 18.Rectus femoris 19.Vastus lateralis 20.Vastus medialis 21.Fibularis longus

41 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
50 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components

42 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components
Figure 6-8 The Skeleton. 50 Muscle Types and Skeletal Muscle Components Skull 1.Gluteus maximus 2.Adductor muscle 3.Biceps femoris 4.Semitendinosus 5.Gastrocnemius 6.Trapezius 7.Deltoid 8.Triceps brachii 9.Latissimus dorsi 10.External oblique 11.Gluteus medius 12.Soleus © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

43 My name is Bond, Ionic Bond; Taken, not shared!
10 Cells My name is Bond, Ionic Bond; Taken, not shared!

44 10 Population Growth From: Mariano Cecowski <> Q: if both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water which one disolves faster? A: The one in Alaska because it is HIJKLMNO

45 10 Population Growth Alimentary: What Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. Watson. Urinate: What a nurse would say if a patient asked her what room he's in. Urine - The opposite of "You're out!" Benign: What we want when we are eight. Intestine - Currently taking an exam CARDIOLOGY: advanced study of poker playing TERMINAL ILLNESS: getting sick at the airport

46 10 Potpourri What is the other term for a muscle cell?

47 10 Potpourri Muscle fiber

48 10 Population Growth

49 20 Potpourri The skeletal muscles store calcium ions in the terminal cisternae of the

50 *Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
20 Potpourri *Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

51 30 Potpourri The two contractile proteins that make up myofilaments are…

52 30 Potpourri *actin and myosin

53 30 Population Growth

54 40 Potpourri The cytoplasm of the muscle cell is called…

55 40 Potpourri *sarcoplasm

56 50 Potpourri The contractile unit of muscle is called a ?

57 50 Potpourri *sarcomere

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