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Coaches: Mrs. WillmsLarge Group Mrs. CummingsIndividual.

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1 Coaches: Mrs. WillmsLarge Group Mrs. CummingsIndividual

2 The philosophy is built upon the belief that no form of activity is any more important than that of learning to speak effectively.

3 Practices will be determined by the students schedules along with the coach. However, the minimum is once each week. Failure to meet with the coach, may result in removal from the team. If students decide not to go to a competition, they are responsible for reimbursement of entry fees.

4 We expect students to attend all contests whether involved or not. This is how we support our teammates. Whenever possible, students should remain at contest until the teams final performance. Show choirwe work around this schedule, but parents are responsible for transportation Reminder….grades count.

5 Monday, January 20WaMac Conference for Large Group @ Marion Usually begins around 4 and goes roughly until 9 2 Judges Glorified practice but we do compete for the trophy. Thursday, January 23Speech Showcase for Large Group @ MS AP room beginning at 7 P.M.

6 Saturday, January 25Large Group Districts Location TBA in December All day eventbeginning at 8:00 until 4:00 1 judgegives oral comments to enhance performance Must receive a Division I rating in order to qualify for State. IExcellent IIYou did well, but you are not prepared enough for state competition IIIusually only used if the judge wants to make a point. IVmeans a disqualification

7 Saturday, February 8State Large Group All day event 3 judges Need at least 2 I ratings from judges in order to receive a I overall. Judges will nominate performances as the Best of Show. If at least 2 judges nominate you, you are selected for Allstate. ALLSTATEBEST of the Best in the state. This is not a goal, but an added perk. Allstate for Large Group is on Saturday, February 22.

8 Saturday, February 15WaMactop 5 receive medalsheld here at CPU!!! Saturday, March 1Districts Saturday, March 15State Monday, March 31Allstate Festival

9 YES!!!! We will need plenty of help from you! Jobs include room chairs, timers, runners, hallway monitors More information will come.

10 Arrive earlyif your child is schedule at 9:30, they could go early. On the other hand, they could be late as well. Just have patience! AdmissionRecommended $3 donation Do not wear CPU apparel. The judges should not be able to identify a performers school. Results are usually posted in the gym after the performance. If you take your student home, please make sure I see you sometime that day. If your student wants to ride with someone else other than you, go through the activities office.

11 This team has a history of being great ambassadors for CPU. As the coaches, we are excited for another successful season. Heres what students need to do to achieve excellence… Practice Have fun Practice Support your team Did we mention Practice???

12 Feel free to contact either… Mrs. Willms: Mrs. Cummings:

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