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Mocktail Party Subtitle.

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Presentation on theme: "Mocktail Party Subtitle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mocktail Party Subtitle

2 What is a Mixer A mixer is an event held to allow members of separate groups to socialize. For example, a mixer may be organized to allow people to network with each other so that they can become acquainted.

3 Our Mixer party Everyone will be assigned a job or profession
You are to go through the party and meet new people and find out about them See if there is anything that is interesting about the people you meet See if there is anything you have in common with those you meet When you have asked and answered a few questions, introduce the person you have met to someone else and go meet someone new

4 Questions you might ask
What do you do for a living? How did you decide to become a _______________? Tell me an interesting story about being a ________________? How do you become a _______________? What do you like about your job?

5 Don’t ask How much is your salary?
What do you NOT like about your job?

6 How do you answer the questions?
Use your imagination and make up answers!! Have fun!!

7 Questions you might ask
What do you do for a living? How did you decide to become a _______________? Tell me an interesting story about being a ________________? How do you become a _______________? What do you like about your job?

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