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Review for Final Exam CSE462 B.Ramamurthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for Final Exam CSE462 B.Ramamurthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for Final Exam CSE462 B.Ramamurthy

2 Date and Location Date : 5/9/2000 (Tuesday) Time : 8.00 - 11.00AM
Place : NSC 215

3 General Information Open book (Your text book only)
Bring your calculator Only topics covered after the Exam 1

4 Topics Chapter 6 : Integrity constraints (keys, closure, cover etc.) Like the homework. Chapter 7: Relational database design (various normal forms) Chapter 11: Indexing and Hashing (B+ tree, hashing) Chapter 12 : Query Processing (Query plans, and evaluation) Chapter 13: Transactions (Concurrency and serializability)

5 Sections Chapter 6 : 6.1-6.5, homework Chapter 7 : 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Chapter 11: 11.1 to 11.6 Chapter 12: 12.1 to 12.4, 12.6, Chapter 13: 13.1 to 13.5

6 Exam (Tentative format)
Five questions with subsections from each of the topics mentioned above. Generally follows the problems worked out in class and in the homework.

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