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A Streetcar Named Desire

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1 A Streetcar Named Desire

2 Paper 1, Section B: Exam Question
Explore Williams’s presentation of fear in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors. (25 marks) Spend just under one hour on this.

3 Assessment Objectives 1,2 and 3
Include: Clear, controlled, evaluative argument Use relevant, fluently embedded, sustained quotations Use terminology, and evaluate the effect of concepts and literary features Clear, careful, sophisticated expression Logical, controlled, cohesive and sophisticated structure Show how meanings are created by understanding, analysing and evaluating the writer’s craft Explore, analyse, evaluate and appreciate the significance of contextual factors, making links between the play and its context

4 Planning Spend 5 minutes independently brainstorming “fear” in Streetcar Have 5 or 6 key ideas

5 Discussion: Share ideas with a partner (10 mins)
Focus your discussion on: What Williams seems to be conveying about fear The methods Williams uses to convey these ideas Relevant values and attitudes you need to consider (context)

6 Indicative Content from exam board:
B’s fears of old age and loneliness Conflict between the past and present and the consequent fears around this Insanity and how the characters either suffer from, or exploit fears of madness Methods to convey the terror of the rape scene Stanley’s presentation as being a s scared as Blanche, (e.g.: his uncertainty about his place in society after WW2) How characters hide their fears in various ways Symbolism to create a sense of fear (e.g.: the Varsouviana Polka) Presentation of Stella’s character and her fears

7 Write an introduction ( 5 mins)
Set out your thesis about why and how Williams presents fear

8 Structure an essay Select 5 key ideas (from your original notes/from your discussion/from the indicative content) you need to explore to consider/develop/prove your thesis Decide which order you will write them in

9 Quote quest Select one idea – find the textual evidence/quotations you need You will need to do this for the other ideas for homework

10 Write a paragraph Write one AMAZING paragraph
Check the assessment objectives first

11 Homework: Explore Williams’s presentation of fear in A Streetcar Named Desire. You must relate your discussion to relevant contextual factors. In light of class discussion and your individual notes, read Script 6 on intranet at: T:\English\Mrs Atkinson\Year 13 English Literature\Streetcar\Final Student Scripts v3.pdf Produce around 1 A4 side of reflective commentary on this student's script, for example: useful quotations (from the play, and/or critical quotations) reflections on this student's viewpoint and interpretations contextual reflections (linked to your homework on the documentary last week) how the argument has been crafted anything else of note NB it was awarded 20/25 by Edexcel. Complete your quote quest for fear

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