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Agenda 2/12/18 Bell Ringer- Brainstorm Note-taking- Stock market terms

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 2/12/18 Bell Ringer- Brainstorm Note-taking- Stock market terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 2/12/18 Bell Ringer- Brainstorm Note-taking- Stock market terms
Activity- Team building HW- Vocab Quiz Wednesday

2 Bell ringer Today’s date- 2/12/19 Title of Notes- Stocks & Investing
Question If you were given $100,000 what would you do with the money? List amounts & details




6 Learning target I can explain the basic principles of buying & selling stocks.

7 The Basics Stock Stock exchange Ticker symbol
An ownership share in a company Stock exchange Place where stocks are bought & sold Ticker symbol abbreviation used to identify companies on the stock exchange Ex. AAPL, NKE, UAA, FB, AMZN

8 The Basics- cont. Investor Portfolio Sales Charge
a person who puts money into something in order to make a profit Portfolio a range of investments held by someone Sales Charge A fee paid by an investor when buying or selling stock

9 Project requirements Group test grade Final report/analysis Team Name
Stock research worksheets Biweekly reports 30 minutes every 2 weeks Log portfolio activity Did you buy/sell any stocks? Portfolio analysis- up or down? Final report/analysis

10 activity Write down 2 potential team names Choose your team members
Why is it a good name? Give reasons Choose your team members Each team must have 3-4 members, 4 max Choose your team name 1. Discuss & decide on your top 2 names 2. Each person must give pros & cons of each of the 2 names 3. Vote on final name & give reasons for deciding on this name

11 Agenda 2/13/19 Bell Ringer- Brainstorm Note-taking- Parent Companies
Activity- stock market research HW- stock market research Vocab quiz Wednesday

12 Bell ringer Pick up handout
List 3 companies you are somewhat familiar with & might consider investing in for the stock market game.

13 Learning target I can explain the basic principles of buying & selling stocks.


15 How do you know what to buy?
You don’t Look for stocks that your research indicates may go up in value

16 activity Research stocks & complete worksheet for stock you are interested in purchasing Use yahoo finance to fill out all information You will later share this information with your team so you can discuss whether or not to buy this stock Teams must have 4 completed sheets You will purchase stocks on Thursday

17 Stock research

18 Agenda 2/14/19 Bell Ringer- Stock Price Analysis
Note-taking- Game Rules Activity- research & buying HW- stock market research Vocab Quiz Wednesday

19 Bell ringer Amazon- 2013- $265 2019- $1643
Google $ $1137 Sears $ $.58 Blockbuster Video $ $1 Why do you think these stocks went up or down in value?

20 Learning target I can explain the basic principles of buying & selling stocks.

21 Stock Market game rules
Each team has $100,000 to spend Stocks must cost at least $5 per share Stocks must be listed on NYSE or Nasdaq Must buy at least 100 shares of a stock Cannot spend more than $30,000 on any one stock Must buy at least 4 different stocks Must hold 3 stocks for at least 3 weeks

22 game rules- cont. Buying & Selling transactions have a 1% sales charge
Don’t buy & sell too often Teams will meet for 30 minutes every other week to evaluate their portfolio’s performance Portfolio with the highest value on the last day will be declared the winner Winning team must have completed all project requirements

23 Complete log for each stock you buy or sell
Buying & Selling Log

24 ectory/stock
List of NYSE companies Google search- Nasdaq company list

25 activity Research stocks & complete worksheets for stocks your team chooses to purchase Must complete at least 4 sheets Decorate folders

26 Stock Buying Directions
Go to Login using your team’s username & password Click on trade menu then click on enter trade Then click on stock trade Check buy box & enter # of shares Log your purchases on the stock log sheet Must spend $100,000 Must buy at least 4 stocks

27 Agenda 2/7/18 Bell Ringer- Directions
Activity- stock market research & buying HW- study for Vocab quiz Tuesday

28 Study for stock market terms quiz
Bell ringer Study for stock market terms quiz

29 Bell ringer What is the minimum number of shares of a stock you can buy? What is the maximum amount of money you can spend on one stock? How many different stocks must you buy?

30 Activity Find & write out correct answers
Write out multiple choice questions you missed on a separate sheet of paper Find & write out correct answers Use notes and/or book When finished finish any missing work Worksheets Stock market game

31 Agenda 2/16/18 Bell Ringer- Study vocab & vocab quiz
Activity- weekly reports HW- fact book Review sheet

32 Bell Ringer Study vocab- use notes Study vocab on quizlet- 8 min
Use my webpage to access

33 Directions Log in to your portfolio on
Complete weekly report Buy & sell stocks if needed Complete buying & selling log

34 Bell ringer Study vocab 8 minutes

35 Activities Vocab quiz 10 minutes
Log in to your portfolio on Complete weekly report Buy & sell stocks if needed Complete buying & selling log

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