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Presentation on theme: "MICROORGANISMS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives: Identify 5 classes of microorganisms
Differentiate between pathogens and non pathogens Identify some common diseases cause by pathogens

3 Diseases are caused by a variety of
germs (pathogens). Healthcare workers MUST understand the different types of: pathogens (germs), Ways pathogens are spread

4 This allows the HCW (Healthcare Worker) to take precautions to prevent the spread of disease

5 Microorganisms (2 types)
Non-Pathogen (a microorganism that does not cause a disease) Pathogen (a microorganism that causes infection or diseases) Some microorganisms live in 1 system but cause infection if get into another

6 PATHOGENS Microorganism-small, living organism that are not visible to the naked eye that can cause an infection Must be viewed under a microscope Found everywhere in the environment On and off the human body

7 5 classes of Microorganisms
Bacteria Protozoa Fungi Rickettsiae Viruses

8 #1 Bacteria: Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria
Some strains of bacteria are resistant to antibiotics Must continually develop newer antibiotics to treat bacteria Staphylococci, streptococci, meningitis,Pneumonia, toxic shock, boils, wound infections

9 Cocci Round

10 Cocci/Pairs Called diplococci
Cause disease such as gonorrhea, pneumonia, & Meningitis

11 Cocci Bacteria/Clusters
Staphylococci MRSA Cause pus Infections

12 Strep Throat/Chains of Cocci

13 Rods TB, Pertussis

14 TB, Pertussis, Botulism

15 Spirillus (spiral-shaped) bacteria
Cause syphilis and cholera

16 Syphilis

17 #2 Protozoa: 1-celled animal like organisms
Often found in decayed materials and contaminated water. Some are pathogenic and cause diseases

18 Protozoa Have tails/enable to swim Malaria, African sleeping sickness,

19 #3 Fungi: Plant like organisms Live on dead organic matter
Yeasts & Molds Cause ringworm, thrush Yeast Vaginitis Not killed by antibiotics

20 Fungi

21 Thrush


23 #4 Rickettsiae Parasitic organisms Cannot live outside of body Lice
Ticks Fleas Can cause Typhus , lyme disease

24 #5 Viruses Smallest of microorganisms
Cannot reproduce without a living cell Major risk to healthcare workers as they are blood borne Examples include Hepatitis B, C & HIV Cannot be cured with Antibiotics

25 Viruses (Con’t) Cause: Colds, measles, flu, warts, chicken pox Herpes
Hepatitis B and C Aids polio

26 HIV

27 A Syndrome A group of symptoms in a particular disease

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