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Training Management Workstream

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1 Training Management Workstream
TM Awayday Welcome

2 Medical Directorate Vision
Aspiring to Excellence ” To enhance efficiency and effectiveness with an improved use of resources and a flexible approach to delivery of training quality management, educational governance and participation in the planning of the medical workforce in Scotland.” SOURCE: The NES Medical Directorate Vision – Project Initiation Document, 9th December 2011, page 8, Heading 4. ‘Business Case’

3 Medical Directorate Vision
Aspiring to Excellence ” To enhance efficiency and effectiveness with an improved use of resources and a flexible approach to delivery of training quality management, educational governance and participation in the planning of the medical workforce in Scotland.” Why How SOURCE: The NES Medical Directorate Vision – Project Initiation Document, 9th December 2011, page 8, Heading 4. ‘Business Case’ What

4 …and this is what we will continue to do
WHAT WE DO Training quality management …and this is what we will continue to do Educational Governance Participation in planning the medical workforce in Scotland

5 …the vision is to change HOW we do it
OUR VISION Improving how we use our resources Training quality management …the vision is to change HOW we do it Educational Governance Being flexible in our approach Participation in planning the medical workforce in Scotland

6 HOW do we enhance efficiency & effectiveness?
Remove duplication by aligning: Our Processes Our Organisation Ourselves EFFICIENCY & EQUITY of SERVICE NES PRIORITIES & QUALITY OUTCOMES RIGHT PERSON TASK SOURCE: NES Medical Directorate ‘Medical Vision’ L:\Medicine Vision\Consultation\Medical Vision V2.doc, page 1

7 Professionally Focused Deaneries Delivery led work-streams
Executive Executive 4 Deaneries STBs SLAs PROFESSIONAL Staff BUSINESS Staff Medical Executive Professionally Focused Deaneries STBs Training PM Delivery led work-streams Prof Development Quality SPDS

8 Training Programme Management
The 5 Work Streams Training Programme Management Management of a trainee through the programme e.g. Recruitment, Establishment Control, ARCPs, Rotations, Leave etc… Ensuring information is accurate, complete, transferred and linked: Pinnacle v3, ePortfolio, SOAR TRAINEE JOURNEY IT and Information Management SOURCE: NES Medical Directorate ‘Medical Vision’ L:\Medicine Vision\Consultation\Medical Vision V2.doc, page 5: “Training Programme Management This covers the trainee journey and all the information required to support that journey. It includes recruitment, establishment control, the processes and policies managing ARCPs, rotations, maternity leave, etc. The main focus is the management of the trainee through the programme and ensuring that the information we hold is accurate and supports the journey through the programme. Therefore it includes the major Pinnacle V3 project, and also covers the IT work around ePortfolio, SOAR and training to make sure the information is transferred and linked appropriately.”

9 Scotland Deanery, Pinnacle to Turas Plans for GMC National Review
Work begins on Lead Employer Model GMC Review visits Lead Employer, Foundation Review PSU Study Leave Quality Management Foundation School Revalidation

10 2014 – 2018 Training Management Regional programmes
National programmes STB alignment of TMs, and LDDS Regional Teams LDDs making national decisions for specialty groups AND regional decisions across specialty groups National policies and regional variation

11 2019 TM Vision Build on what we have done since 2012
Use all the learning we have gained going through previous changes Strengthen the specialty grouping and STB roles Clarify and simplify LDD role Create consistent, sustainable and nationally aware teams managing training programmes


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