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Noodletools citation generator Database

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1 Noodletools citation generator Database




5 Create an account with the Register link
Create an account with the Register link. Then each time you log in your citations will be saved and ready for you to access.

6 Your saved projects will show up when you log in.
To create citations for a new assignment, click on New Projects.

7 ~ Choose a project title. This is for your use only
~ Choose a project title. This is for your use only. Choose something that helps you remember what assignment you used these citations for and what class. ~ Choose your Citation style. Speech uses APA, English uses MLA, and History uses Chicago/Turabian. ~ Finally, choose your citation level.

8 Next step is to input your sources. Click on Sources.

9 Choose create new citation button
Choose create new citation button. We have chosen MLA for this example, but remember each instructor/class uses different citation styles!

10 Decide what your resource is. Is it a database, website, print, etc
Decide what your resource is. Is it a database, website, print, etc.? A citation is a “map” for you and anyone who reads your paper to read your resource. It also protects you from plagiarizing!

11 I know this can be confusing
I know this can be confusing! I am going to choose journal because I am citing a source I read in a library database, Opposing Viewpoints, and it was a journal article.

12 I am going to fill in each area that I can
I am going to fill in each area that I can. Sometimes when you choose to cite it can be difficult to find the correct information OR it is simply not there. If you cannot find the information leave that area blank.


14 I input all of the information I had on my source
I input all of the information I had on my source. The result is the citation above. Now how do you get it on your bibliography page for your instructor?

15 Choose the print export icon
Choose the print export icon. We are going to export it to a Word document.

16 Isn’t this amazing? Your citation is in a Word document ready for your instructor with perfect spacing! Also, this citation is saved in your account within NoodleTools, so you can keep adding to your bibliography.

17 Questions? Call, text, or Ask a Librarian…we are here when you need us! Geyer Hall First and Second Floor

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