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Time Management for Middle Leaders

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1 Time Management for Middle Leaders
Webinar Time Management for Middle Leaders Helen Morgan Introduce the webinar, self and welcome participants. Download this presentation from

2 Time management In this webinar, you will develop your understanding of: how to make the most of your time and increase your personal effectiveness strategies and approaches to communicating effectively with key stakeholders the advantages of delegation and how to do it successfully the importance of balancing work with wellbeing and happiness in achieving your goals. Outline the webinar objectives and highlight the key aspects of the session.

3 Stephen R. Covey ‘The key is not to prioritise what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.’ ‘The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.’ Discuss the quotations from Stephen R. Covey and explore the importance of prioritising and knowing what it is that matters. Also , introduce the idea of mindset and choice; effective leaders choose to invest their time in things that are important to them.

4 Quick wins Identify your priorities Plan your time effectively Know when you are at your best Learn to say ‘no’ or ‘not now’ Focus on starting tasks Outline 5 quick strategies that will enable middle leaders to manage their time more effectively. Less is more; identifying priorities and investing time in things that make a difference increase effectiveness. Planning time carefully on a daily, weekly and have termly basis means things get done and distractions are avoided. Work at the time that is best for you-this will increase your capacity and motivation. Less is more-don’t be afraid to say no or ‘not now’-this addresses the ‘have you got a minute’ or ‘I’ve just got a quick question’ people. Shift your focus onto starting tasks rather than finishing-often the end seems too fr away, getting started getsyou into the now habit.

5 Before During Effective meetings Top tips After Effective meetings
Explore practical approaches to making meetings more effective under each heading e.g. give the meeting a title as it prevents people from asking what is the meeting about 15 times or to to use precise timings e.g. ’this is the last item and then we will close, we have 10 minutes. ‘

6 The art of successful delegation
Designate specific individuals to perform specific tasks. Explain the nature of the work you have assigned. Leave yourself options to influence the work. Establish any incentives which might 'reward' the work. Grant people the authority to take decisive action. Assign colleagues tasks that match talents and abilities. Track the progress of the work you have assigned. Evaluate the performance of those to whom work has been delegated. Jones (2005) ‘Management Skills in Schools’ Use the strategy from Jones to explore the art of successful delegation. Outline some of the barriers to effective delegation e.g. it’s quicker to do it myself or what if it goes wrong. Encourage participants to delegate one thing and emphasise the importance of trust, autonomy, responsibility and accountability.

7 The importance of wellbeing and happiness
Home Work School culture Internal and external pressures Workload and bureaucracy Health Family and friends Explore the need for middle leaders and their team to have a work life balance and share advice e.g. the importance of routine, exercise and eating well. As leaders, they establish the culture in their team and need to model best practice.

8 Personal effectiveness
Planning Organisation Communication Versatility Explore the importance of planning, organisation and communication in relation to personal effectiveness and time management. However, it’s important to be able to change things where needed and not be driven by a plan that isn't working. Effective leaders need to be flexible, versatile and adaptable without being ’flighty’.

9 Reflections To what extent are your priorities clear and focused? When do you work most effectively? If you have 10 minutes spare, how do you use them? To what extent do you procrastinate with difficult tasks? Can you identify one thing that could make meetings more effective? What are the barriers to effective delegation and how could you overcome them? How would your colleagues rate your organisation? What changes could you make to improve your work/life balance? Ask participants to undertake some reflection based on the questions posed. Emphasise that as a middle leader, it’s important to reflect and make changes.

10 Change begins with one thing…
Remember Change begins with one thing… Final point-change begins with one thing-encourage participants to change one thing that will enable them to manage time more effectively and increase their personal effectiveness.

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