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DOL level 4 week 3 Analogy plus: minus – add: ________ 2.

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Presentation on theme: "DOL level 4 week 3 Analogy plus: minus – add: ________ 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOL level 4 week 3 Analogy plus: minus – add: ________ 2.
1. and she will left you borrow to comic books 2. dr. mantey has took those people with her subtract : - :

2 Pledge

3 Fluency 6 min. reading solution

4 Word Structure silvery furry shiny sunny powerful plentiful pitiless
bottomless wearily angrily probably invariable conclusion erosion promotion pollution Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

5 Word Structure Skills Practice 1 pages 25 - 26
conclusion erosion promotion pollution Line 4 conclude erode promote pollute These words have the suffix –sion or -tion. Adding the suffix –sion or –tion changes the spelling of the root word. Think of other words to which you can add the suffix –sion or –tion.

6 Developing Oral Language
Form small groups Brainstorm a list of words with the suffix -ful or -less. Create a short definition of each word. Each group read the definition of one of the words and challenge the other groups to identify the word.

7 Vocabulary lesson 3 obviously evidentemente recalled recordo
This obviously would not be easy. Nina recalled her gym teacher’s words from the day before. in a way that is easy to see to remember merriment alegria tangled enredado The rest of their classmates cheered in merriment. The fly became tangled in the spider web. to get caught in something that holds back or blocks fun

8 Vocabulary lesson 3 gnawing vinculación miserable miserable
My dog is gnawing on his bone. “I’m tired and miserable”. to chew unhappy cover cubrir circumstances circunstancias She put her hand above her eyes to cover the glare. Under the circumstances, they made a great team. the way things are at the moment something that would be good to hide behind

9 Linking Verbs Draw a line under each linking verb.
1. This nature walk is a real treat. We stay with our guide. I am a nature lover Birds were high in the trees. Terry points out plants and animals Our long walk was interesting. Some plants are new to me. The fir trees were so tall. It was a great hike. Our guide taught us many things.

10 Inquiry Process Conjecture Discussion
What sources should and will you use to prove, disprove, or modify your conjectures? Concept/ Question Board.

11 Revising Transparencies 29, 30,31
Remember the following when writing your biographies: Sentences showing time and order should vary in sentence beginnings. The events of the subject’s life are written in chronological order. The biography includes detailed descriptions of the person and events. The facts of the person’s life re accurate.

12 _______________ They need to sell the lawnmower.
Spelling angrily location promotion famous precision basically memorable easily conclusion solvable erosion attention decision usable courteous envious gracious luckily flammable pollution wondrous miserable terrifically _______________ They need to sell the lawnmower. Identify the spelling word that means “in a basic way.” Skills Practice 1 pages 35-36

13 Study Skills Taking Notes
Note taking is a helpful method to collect and organize information from reference materials. Before taking any notes, browse the source you are using. If you find information you might use, you should read more slowly.

14 Study Skills Taking Notes
Make subject headings, and use them to organize your notes. Include only the most important information on your topic. Write notes in your own words. Keep your notes short. Use abbreviations and key phrases that you will recognize. Guided practice: Take notes using a newspaper article. Apply: Copies of children’s magazines. Browse the magazines for find an article that interests you. Take notes on it, and use your notes to share the information with a partner.

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