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Mission Praise – number 955

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1 Mission Praise – number 955
We are His children G Kendrick Mission Praise – number 955 © 1990 Make Way Music CCL Licence 37003

2 We are His children, the fruit of His suffering,
1. We are His children, the fruit of His suffering, saved and redeemed by His blood; called to be holy, a light to the nations: clothed with His power, filled with His love. MP 955 1/6

3 proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise
Chorus: Go forth in His name, proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise and proclaim Him, ‘Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer and Lord.’ (repeat chorus) MP 955 2/6

4 Countless the souls that are stumbling in darkness:
2. Countless the souls that are stumbling in darkness: why do we sleep in the light? Jesus commands us to go, make disciples – this is our cause, this is our fight. MP 955 3/6

5 proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise
Chorus: Go forth in His name, proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise and proclaim Him, ‘Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer and Lord.’ (repeat chorus) MP 955 4/6

6 Listen, the wind of the Spirit is blowing,
3. Listen, the wind of the Spirit is blowing, the end of the age is so near; powers in the earth and the heavens are shaking, Jesus our Lord soon shall appear! MP 955 5/6

7 proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise
Chorus: Go forth in His name, proclaiming ‘Jesus reigns!’ Now is the time for the Church to arise and proclaim Him, ‘Jesus, Saviour, Redeemer and Lord.’ (repeat chorus) MP 955 6/6

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