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Planting Seeds for Informative Writing

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Presentation on theme: "Planting Seeds for Informative Writing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting Seeds for Informative Writing
Truisms Planting Seeds for Informative Writing

2 Truism: a brief statement of truth; a life lesson; a claim about people or the world Beauty is power. Love can be deadly. Conflict can make friendship stronger.

3 Read each truism that follows and we will discuss these questions: 1
Read each truism that follows and we will discuss these questions: 1. Do you agree or disagree with the truism? 2. How does the photo relate to the truism?

4 People create their own punishments.

5 It’s easier to be like everyone else than to be an individual.

6 No adventure is without a little danger.

7 Set free the people you love.

8 Next, look at each photo, and answer these questions in your writer’s notebook: 1. What is going on? 2. What do you notice? 3. Write a truism that fits this photo.









17 Finally, for each of the following abstract ideas, take two minutes to draw whatever comes to mind. Then, using the key word, write a truism for your drawing.

18 Injustice [Something unfair]
After drawing, have students write a truism

19 Beauty After drawing, have students write a truism

20 Power After drawing, have students write a truism

21 Select any truism you have written or seen today and freewrite a paragraph in your writer’s notebook. How do you know it to be true? Give information to the reader by using at least 3 different examples. After drawing, have students write a truism

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