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Surface Water How does rivers form?.

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Presentation on theme: "Surface Water How does rivers form?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surface Water How does rivers form?

2 Drainage Basin The area of land from which a stream or river collects runoff.

3 Stages of Stream Development
Young streams have swift flow, steep land gradients, white rapids, and water falls. Mature streams have slow land gradients, smooth flow, and meander (broad bends) over flood plain. Old stream have very little land gradients, sluggish flow through flat, broad flood plains that deposit sediments to form a delta.

4 Which stage are these?

5 Distribution of Earth’s Water

6 Ocean Water Earth’s oceans formed from water vapor.
Water vapor was released during volcanic activity about 4 Billion years ago. Condensed water vapor formed storm clouds and caused torrential rains to fills Earth’s Basins (low spots or oceans). The Earth is 70 % covered in water.

7 Content of Ocean Water:
Gases: oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen These gases enter the ocean from the atmosphere or from animals through photosynthesis or respiration Salts (ions): chloride, sodium, sulfate, magnesium, calcium and potassium These salts enter the ocean by rivers that empty into the ocean. The river dissolves rocks and carry the salts to the ocean

8 Salinity Measure of how much salt is in the ocean
For every 1kg or seawater contains 35g of salt. 3.5% of ocean water is salt.

9 Movement of Ocean Water
Currents: caused by different temps of water rising and sinking a flow of ocean water acts as a river within the ocean Coriolis effect: shifting of wind and currents due to Earth’s rotation

10 Movement of Ocean Water
Waves: Caused by winds at the surface of the water The stronger the wind the larger the wave They only move up and down

11 Movement of Ocean Water
Tides: caused by the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon There are 2 tides that occur daily : High: oceans are toward or away from the moon and bulge out Low: parts of the oceans are not toward or away from the moon

12 Ground Water Permeable Zone of Saturation Impermeable
Ground water includes: Wells, Springs, and Geysers

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