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Layers of the Atmosphere

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1 Layers of the Atmosphere
How do each of the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere compare to each other?

2 These are the layers in order from the Earth upwards
Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere

3 The Troposphere Lowest layer.
Weather occurs here and therefore clouds. We live in it. “Tropo” means turning or changing conditions. Densest layer. Temperature is warmer at the surface and decreases with altitude.

4 Temperature/Density and the Troposphere
Troposphere: temperature at surface is warmed by the earth absorbing energy from the sun. Convection currents carry the heat upward, so the air cools as it rises. Density decreases since there is less air above.

5 The Stratosphere “Strato” means layer or spreading out
Contains the ozone layer which absorbs energy and causes the temperature to rise. The ozone layer protects the surface from dangerous UV rays (ultraviolet radiation from the Sun).

6 Temperature and the Stratosphere
Ozone, made of oxygen, absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun, causing the temperature to increase. Density still decreases.

7 The Mesosphere Drop in temperature marks beginning of mesosphere
“Meso” means middle Most meteors burn up here

8 Temperature and the Mesosphere
This layer does not absorb energy from the sun, so it starts to cool again. Without greenhouse gases, energy pretty much passes straight through!

9 The Thermosphere “Thermo” means heat
Very hot (over 1000°C), but since air is so thin (not very dense) it would not feel warm at all. The space shuttle orbits here.

10 The Exosphere “Exo” means outer Extends for 1000’s of miles
Satellites orbit here No definite edge Molecules gradually escape out into space

11 Atmospheric gases Two most common? Nitrogen is the most common
Oxygen is the second most common These gases are found throughout all the atmospheric levels.


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