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The Gold Rush Creating a political cartoon. Use any source on the internet to research information so you have a clear understanding about the Gold Rush.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gold Rush Creating a political cartoon. Use any source on the internet to research information so you have a clear understanding about the Gold Rush."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gold Rush Creating a political cartoon. Use any source on the internet to research information so you have a clear understanding about the Gold Rush in Where do you think the San Francisco 49’ers got their name?

2 Political Cartoons: How to…
ONE FRAME—NOT A COMIC Simple Text—no more than 25 words Use clichés, exaggerations, or double meaning Simple drawing using symbols, not too much distracting background—only meaningful details Not meant to be funny, meant to be ironic and show the artists point of view (biased)






8 Create Your Own Make a political cartoon about the gold rush
Include a title and caption Remember guidelines ONE Frame, Simple Text—no more than 25 words, Use clichés, exaggerations, or double meaning, Simple drawing using symbols, not too much distracting background—only meaningful details Get rough Draft Approved, then create a final draft.

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