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11720166 Shohei Iwamoto. Rice Wheat Corn Sugar etc.. We people eat crop everyday. Crops We eat or use only a part of them. The rest of them, bio crop.

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Presentation on theme: "11720166 Shohei Iwamoto. Rice Wheat Corn Sugar etc.. We people eat crop everyday. Crops We eat or use only a part of them. The rest of them, bio crop."— Presentation transcript:

1 11720166 Shohei Iwamoto

2 Rice Wheat Corn Sugar etc.. We people eat crop everyday. Crops We eat or use only a part of them. The rest of them, bio crop waste can be used in various ways.

3 From bio crop waste we can produce Methane gas Ethanol Hydrogen etc.. These can be used as sources of energy. electric generation agrichemical medicine

4 Carbon neutral No depletion Low cost photosynthesis growth bio crop waste Electric energy CO 2 CO 2 absorption CO 2 emitted by generating electric energy is equal to CO 2 plant absorbed. There are no increment in CO 2. electric generation

5 No depletion Bio crop waste is not exhaustible resource. People grow a crop and the crop has parts we dont eat. Cf.)Oil will run out in about 42 years.

6 Low cost Bio crop waste is waste. There are many bio crop waste in the world. It is important to use the waste effectively.

7 Dependence on the season In harvest season, there is a large amount of bio crop waste but in planting season is a small amount of it. Stable electric energy supply is difficult. CropHarvest WheatOctober RiceJune SugarFebruary

8 Low energy density Bio crop waste has small weight but has a large volume. A large amount of bio crop are needed to generate electric energy.

9 The advantages and disadvantages of converting bio crop waste to electric energy Advantages : Carbon neutral No depletion Low cost Disadvantages : Dependence on the season Low energy density

10 in-japan/energy2010html/world/index.htm Yasuo Igarashi, Takashi Saiki, Ethanol product from rice straw, bio mass(2008), p.187

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