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How to Bridge the Scary Gap between The Results You Want and The Results You Have Assignment 1.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Bridge the Scary Gap between The Results You Want and The Results You Have Assignment 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Bridge the Scary Gap between The Results You Want and The Results You Have
Assignment 1

2 Your Assignment for Next Session
Complete: Your Ideal Customer Profile Your Customer’s Aspiration Your Ideal Customer’s Obstacle/Problem

3 The Basics 5 Sessions, 60 minutes each
All Sessions recorded & placed at Weekly work assignments Submit work assignments by Sunday night to for our review Take notes Call from a Quiet Place where you can work Please use a headset, not your PC speakers

4 Think Like Your Ideal Customer
Session 1 Think Like Your Ideal Customer Session 2 Find & Use Your Hook Session 3 End “One and Done” Sales Session 4 Keys To An Engaging Website Session 5 Building an “Active” Referral System Workshop Agenda

5 Facts About Me and My Business
My business name is: What I do is: I’ve been in this business for x years/months: I have/don’t have customers: In 2017 I grossed x amount of money in the business: I pay myself/don’t pay myself:

6 Who is My Ideal Customer?
The more you know, the faster you’ll find them Industry or person Age range/generation Income level Where they live Gender/Race Behaviors

7 My Ideal Customer Demographics Type here Behaviors

8 Motivational Direction
Away Towards

9 My Customer’s Motivational Direction
My customer motivation is (chose one): Away from Pain: Or Towards Pleasure:

10 80% of Your Ideal Customers are motivated …first… to get rid of their headache!

11 Example Motivation: lose weight Language:
Finally and forever, get rid of the weight you’ve been carrying for so long NOT: become your best self

12 Ideal Customer Aspirations
SURFACE: DEEP AND TRUE: Our Goal: Work to enable our customer to feel understood Wide Awake Marketing Proprietary: Do Not Distribute

13 Ideal Customer Obstacles (in their words)
Goal: They feel like we are reading their minds WILL SAY (aware and willing): Type here WON’T SAY (runs the show): CAN’T SAY (not aware): Wide Awake Marketing Proprietary: Do Not Distribute

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